Information Finding Championship round 10 results.

Hello there! Welcome to our digital castle.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

Hey again! We recently had another round winner voted by the judges and the results are below.


apolymask - Voted for kryptocek

rarebooksleuth - Voted for kryptocek

charisma777 - voted for kryptocek

luckysteem - Voted for kryptocek

addempsea - Voted for bashadow

Congrats kryptocek! You're doing amazing in this contest and you now are in first place.


kryptocek 4
bashadow 3
auminda 1
noisyboy 1 1
swolesome 1

It's definitely not too late to get in the game, we're not even half way through the season yet and we could use some more players to try to catch up to the two in first and second place! I hope you'll consider joining and giving it a try. :) I've had quite a few people tell me that they are having a lot of fun! More info will be below if you're curious and also feel free to ask me any questions, and either me or someone else will do our best to answer.

Reasons the judges voted the way they did.

My reason.

This round was really tough to judge!
My top 4 picks came down to bitpizza, kryptocek, amariespeaks and deliberator.
bitpizza and deliberator both had some great entries.. And..
Kryptocek got swolesome with his post and swolesome already won a round..
He also did a really good job with his post in terms of how he typed it up and presented it.
amariespeaks is a close second cause she really saw my vision and presented it very well.
Though in the end.. I think kryptoceks post was the most powerful since it brought at least one good competitor who already won a round.
I vote for kryptocek this round.

Once again @kryptocek, The Peasant Farmer, you have my vote! I think bringing @swolesome in was an awesome choice. Plus, you offered a bonus in your entry! Great entry hope you have an awesome day!

This round was incredibly hard to judge, lots of excellent entries. But you've got my vote!

Short and concise. You have my vote.

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