Information Finding Championship round 12 round results.

Hello there! Welcome to our digital castle.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

The results are in for another round!


apolymask - Voted for iexplore

rarebooksleuth - Voted for swolesome

charisma777 - Voted for amariespeaks

luckysteem - Voted for amariespeaks

addempsea - Voted for amariespeaks

Congrats @amariespeaks. I'll send the steem/sbd soon when I get a chance.
I'm a lil hesitant to say this and interject my own opinion here, but.. I'd like to say that I really think @iexplore deserved to win this round and had the best answer to what I was looking for, there were a few other ones too in regards to helping with the drinking water problem we face in the world, BUT.. I did mention in the rules of that round that it was not limited to just trying to solve the drinking water problem. That you could enter anything you wanted about the subject of water, whether it be poetry or a picture or whatever.. And This isn't just me voting.

As much as I would have liked iexplore's entry to have won and more attention to have gone towards the issue he brought up, that's not how this works. And even if I'm personally skeptical of the "effecting water with our thoughts" subject, enough of the other judges really liked it and that's the one that won.

The judges are made up of regular people just like the players.. So.. Sometimes there are going to be decisions I disagree with and I actually think that's a beautiful part of the game and one of the reasons it works so well, because it's not the Apolymask show, there's numerous other judges involved in the decisions and I would use this round as a reminder if you're unsure about entering a given round to maybe just give it a shot.. You never know, you may enter something the judges really vibe with and win!

Reasons the judges voted the way they did.

My reason.
While there were some other really great entries, and I think we may try to do some kind of special round or fundraising charity type of thing like a couple other people suggested anyways regardless, I still feel like this entry was the most important one.
Animal agriculture is a main cause if not the main cause of this water shortage problem in the first place and if people didn't use it so incredibly much we wouldn't have near as much of a problem of this, and ESPECIALLY in the long term in regards to our further survival as a very species on this planet.. We need to conserve first, not keep wasting while trying to make up for it with new technology, though we should keep pursuing new better technology as well! But first and foremost and something almost everyone can do unless you're totally plant based already is to reduce your animal product consumption.. You get my vote for this round! Great entry! And thank you for helping to bring more awareness to this issue.

I looked over all of the entries for round 12 and I keep coming back to this one, I feel if we were to change our own frequencies as a whole, a lot of the issues we see in this world would be non-existent. Plus there was some great information on water itself...Water is LIFE!

I voted for you for this round 12. I like your post and i'm very interested in this kind of topics.

This is a nice post, you should have used the steemstem tag. They upvote science post like this one. Im voting you for round 12.

Excellent post! I love the idea of pairing STEEM with an invention that could help protect our planet. Technologies co-evolving to help create a better world! Also your feedback system is beautifully simplistic. You've got my vote for Round 12!

ALSO.. I forgot to mention in the last update that @grizzman completed a side quest created by @charisma777 and earned an additional 3 XP, and that is now updated in our official numbers including the numbers from this round as well.

This is how our XP/Win list is looking now.


kryptocek 5-41-1
bashadow 3-24-0 1-14-0
auminda 1-09-0
swolesome 1-09-0
xomegax 1-08-0
amariespeaks 1-07-0
noisyboy 1-05-0
grizzman 0-05-0
deliberator 0-04-0 now a judge
sophiabydesign 0-02-0
lynncoyle1 0-01-0
nxtblg 0-01-0
yura81 0-01-0
mnallica 0-01-0
iexplore 0-01-0

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

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