
Yes, abortion. Plz try to name a topic more debatable than ABORTION (jkjk plz no roasting in comments, but I do encourage debating in the comments).
So. Should people get abortions? I mean there are many views on this topic and people with open minds like me are on both sides of the argument and are often left with a headache.

Let's look at some reasons people may decide to perform an abortion:

  • They want to be the best parent possible to the kids they already have.
  • They’re not ready to be a parent yet.
  • It’s not a good time in their life to have a baby.
  • They want to finish school, focus on work, or achieve other goals before having a baby.
  • They’re not in a relationship with someone they want to have a baby with.
  • They’re in an abusive relationship or were sexually assaulted.
  • The pregnancy is bad for their health.
  • They just don’t want to be a parent.

Now, these are one of the many valid reasons people thinking of getting an abortion may think of... but now as I know many of you may argue about the baby and how it shouldn't be the baby whose life is snatched away due to the (going to be) mother's mistake. So we might as well consider the other side of the argument too

  • Why should the baby pay for your mistakes
  • You should have thought before you did


I believe this is a never ending argument and has no definite answer. I believe it really just depends on the situation. You are free to debate in the comments, in fact, I recommend it, I would love to see your opinions.!

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