

Issuer : Sgame SA (Berbasis di swiss)
Simbol : SGM
Type : ERC20
Main Sale : June 2018
Price in chf : 10 hari sebelum main sale
Exchange Rate ETH/CHF : 24 jam sebelum main sale
Currency : ETH
KYC : Required

Total supply : 350.000.000
Private Sale : 139.500.000
Main Sales : 55.000.000
SGM Liquidity reserve : 83.000.000
Kept by issuer : 51.000.000
Advisors & Founders : 15.000.000
Bounties & Airdrops : 6.500.000

In the first article, we talked about what Sgame Pro was, found that the project worked in successful collaboration with the most popular YouTube blogger PewDiePie, and what benefits the platform offered to players, including the ability to get SGM tokens directly for time spent in games, and participate in battles with other players, both relaxed and friends.

Although the Sgame Pro solution introduces many innovations into the gaming industry for players as key players, it is also directed at game publishers, infusers and entrepreneurs. Therefore, in this article we will talk about other features of the platform and the benefits that will be given to the participants, but first let's talk about other interesting opportunities to get.


Video game broadcasts - an integral part of the gaming industry. Streamers are separate categories of players who produce by showing others how they play video games. Despite the fact that among platforms for streaming leaders that have been formed, such as Twitch and YouTube, they are directed exclusively at computer games and competition.

In this case, Sgame Pro created their own solution in the field of broadcasting games, this time mobile, and named it The Live. In principle, the streaming process itself is no different from the others, the only difference is that it is not a computer game but mobile games are broadcast, and donations are received in the form of SGM tokens.

Thus, players will be able to, first, gain their popularity by gathering fan audiences from the gaming world, and secondly, to get not only to spend time on mobile games, but also to demonstrate to other players.


So we approached decisions aimed at entrepreneurs. Various types of companies, both gaming and non-game industries, but at least in some cases related to it, will be able to provide their goods, both real and virtual, on the market, directly built into the Sgame Pro application, and not for currencies local, and for crypto - SGM tokens.

That's what we are talking about. Real items include game consoles, headphones, mice, keyboards and other tangible items that can be used in the gaming industry. For digital goods can be associated with various types of subscriptions to applications, sites, including premium. Thus, you can subscribe to Netflix or Spotify using SGM tokens.

The advantage for the company is not only providing space for the sale of real and virtual services and goods, but also that such market placement is a significant reduction in marketing costs, because the items in Sgame Pro will be seen by gamers, who are only the main target of the company -this company.


Advantages for publishers

Mobile game publishers, using the Sgame Pro platform, will receive benefits no less than all other participants, including players. For gaming platforms, 5 market players have joined, including Colin Lane Games AB, Digital Bros., 34BigThings, 505 Games, and Kappsule Studios.

The first thing that interests every publisher is getting and retaining new customers from players, so they need a truly reliable platform that will ensure maximum user involvement, reduce their outflow.

In Sgame Pro for players, all conditions will be made to delete the game or to leave it, it is impossible, at least, due to the fact that each player receives an SGM token for the time spent in the game. And given that players are aware that they are paid for patience in advertising content, game publishers can be sure that their viewers will only grow.

In addition, most game developers provide all types of premium services in their games, which are rarely popular due to the fact that players are not ready to spend their money (local currency) on mobile games.

But the Sgame Pro concept is designed so that users get tokens, actually get the same game. Therefore, the motivation to spend SGM on the same game is much higher than the expenditure of fiat funds. Thanks to this, game publishers will be able to obtain SGM tokens for purchasing in-game users, issuing tokens through ERC-20 third-party wallets into local currency.

Influenzer and referral program

Despite the fact that referral programs have become a common enough way to attract viewers to the platform, this prevents them from staying effective, so they do not depend on the fact of using or not using referral programs, but in their terms.

The Sgame Pro referral program is a great way to earn money by inviting new players to join the platform, especially for influencers - agents of influence from popular videologists, streamers and other users associated with the computer and mobile game industry (although this is not necessary).



For information detail:

Buy Token:

User name: assyfa
Eth address: 0xCa53A32ab48cF8bA4eC4A494bA4e95ceC26Fe71d

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