Love Chongqing noodles ! 想吃吗?那就来吧!


I went to do some business with my collegue at noon and walked pass the Kunming street. We were both hungry , then I wanted to find a restaurant . My collegue recommended we could go to the Chongqing noodles nearby . So we went into the restaurant .

小面 服务台_副本.jpg

It was not big, but was decorated very well . the waiters here are very friendly . the boss is more warmhearted . she was a middle-aged woman . At the front , there is an introduction , one each bowl of noodles can donate 0.3 yuan .No wonder it is called the love chongqing noodles!


We ordered two bowls of noodles , one is seafood noodles and the other is beef noodles . When we eat them , we can add the venigar or chili, it depends on your personal taste.



We had a chat with the boss and she told us the money that we donated was sent to the children in poor areas of Dalian . even though the money is not too much , but it can buy some school things for the children. We both moved by her words . When a person does something for others, other people will serve her .


If you love your work , love the people around you , then you will be loved by them. Love can make your business larger ! That is what I got from the boss .

Thanks for your reading and hope you follow , upvote @bxt and resteem .

中午跟同事出去办事, 路过昆明街,刚好饥肠辘辘,这时候要是有碗连汤带水的大碗面,那该是多好。同事说这附近就有个重庆小面,非常不错。于是我们两个人便走进了这家小餐馆。

面馆不大,但是装修的古香古色,服务员态度非常好, 笑容可掬,让人感到很非常的亲切。这个店的老板娘很年轻,也就不到40的年龄。一走进去,老板娘的笑容,让人感到特别的温暖。前面有重庆小面的介绍,而且还有没卖一碗面就捐出3角钱,难怪叫爱心面馆呢,如果真的这样,那可真是不错的面馆,良心商家。


我们吃的时候跟老板娘聊了几句,捐的钱去到哪里呢?老板娘说主要是给大连贫苦地区的孩子,他们有专门的负责人,负责这项工作,每卖一碗面,就捐出3角钱,看着好像不多, 但是日积月累也是不小的数目。这些钱可以用来给山区的孩子们买些学习用品和生活用品。这个活动也受到市委市领导的赞扬,他们也经常接受领导到这里来检查。

这真是个好的做法。我为老板娘的爱心所感动,在创业的同时,能够想着造福孩子,是多么了不起。有多少私人企业,只想着挣黑心钱, 还哪想着去为别人服务?但其实,你在服务别人的同时, 也为自己创下了好的口碑,也会受到社会的回馈!她的这个小店不大, 但是让人感觉爱心满满,充满了正能量,希望这样的小店越来越多,那我们这个社会不是更和谐, 更美好?



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