Death Of Steem, Bitcoin , Etherium and all Cryptocurrencies ? Or The Ugly Face Of Big Government

Cryptocurrencies are continuously losing their periods  (massively )due to bad news from The Chinese Government :stopping ICOs , shutting down domestic crypto exchanges  plus  JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon adding fuel to the already volatile fire by saying that bitcoin is a 'fraud' that will eventually blow up:  "It's worse than tulip bulbs. It won't end well. Someone is going to get killed,"  see link. The reality, however, lies on these entities including The United States government (secretly in panic mode) fearing the heck out of what Steem, Bitcoin and blockchain technology  as a whole stand for : mass freedom from central banks and their massive control and robber through taxation and censorships .  Is this time to sell and run for your life or an opportunity to get some top coins? Here are some points to note:

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Time to buy Great Coins especially Steem: Steem is one of the best coins for future value ( see my older posts for reasons) and for those of us who want to make a great investment, this is the time to change your fiat for steem and power it up because as I indicated in my older posts, steem is highly undervalued and its true value will start to be visible from next year. 

Banks In Panic Mode: Many banks are secretly in panic mode due to the superior blockchain technology and people realizing that they can transact faster , safer and cheaper, hold and make huge profits with cryptocurrencies than holding their money in banks and getting practically nothing (even paying monthly fees)-hence the need for Jamie Dimon to come and talk nonsense about their greatest fear bitcoin in order for weak people to lose confidence leading to panic sell.

Government in state of fear: The most control freak  governments in the world ie The Chinese Government and United States Government whose national debt soars past 20Trillion USD according to an article in Washington times  see link  are in panic mode and will do anything to stop crypto currencies popularity because of fear of losing control of their citizens via decline of banks, credit cards and taxation. These governments will do anything to compromise cryptocurrencies in order to take back control-however it is time for us to say no and continue investing in top coins especially steem , bitcoin  and etherium (including EOS and Bitshares which are currently very cheap)

Conclusion : The power belongs to us : In reality, governments and their central banks cronies are servants of the people. Therefore we should unite in support of blockchain technology and even make it better through innovation and design thinking strategies. Moreover, If we stand firm and stop all these panic selling (which can result in huge loss of investments) rather use fiat to buy more top crpytocurrencies like steem and power up -including building a decentralized ecosystem : internet and exchange and make our ecosystem successful through our support, then we will start seeing our power and wealth coming back to us and those haters will give up the ghost!!! 

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 Do you know about the mighty civil war going on in steemit? Click and read my former blog post 

For those who want to be an investor in Bitcoin wallet see X coins link:    

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