Hello Steemit!
今天是我第一天加入 Steemit
This is my first day on steemit
本人00后学生党程序猿,现在在美居住,博主 码农BTS。写了7年代码,今年高一,主要是 Java(非 JavaEE)方向,和 web 全栈,曾经写 c/cpp/qt 嵌入式,很久不写手生了。
I am a high school student, and also a programmer. I am now living in the US, you can call me Coder-BTS. Have been coding for 7 years, and I am now a freshman in high school. Mainly working on Java(not JavaEE), web full stack. Used to do c/cpp/qt, keeping forgetting things after not using for such long time.
这个 Steemit 账号就主要用于搬运自己博客的一些内容了(https://billts.site)
This steemit account will sycn my posts on my personal blog (https://billts.site)
Thankful to the helps from yall.
Thank you!
@team-cn @honoru @ericet @softmetal