A Snake In A Tree? Seriously?

This is certainly something you don't see every day...

"Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made." - Genesis 3:1

As she left the car and began walking toward the house,

my wife suddenly let go with a loud scream. I practically dropped the groceries, running around the end of the car to see what was wrong.

The Snake in the Tree

The Snake in the Tree
Original Work by @creatr

You might have screamed too.

When I reached her, anxious to learn what was wrong, the answer became quite obvious. There was a large snake curled between ridges in the dirt right beside the sidewalk. It may not have been moving, but it was certainly a sight that would startle anyone not expecting to see it.

Urging my wife and the dog to head into the house, I went to a brush pile and grabbed a long stick. When I began nudging the snake with the stick, it turned and moved with incredible grace and speed over to a nearby tree. As I watched, it went up and over a fork near the base of the tree. I thought it would simply continue on into the yard.

Imagine my amazement,

when it extended itself along a branch and headed further up into the tree. Pulling out my cellphone camera, I began taking pictures. Not knowing exactly what kind of snake it was, I hesitated to get too close to the creature. After getting several shots with the phone camera, I went in the house and grabbed a better camera.

I plan to study the photos I took.

While I don't think it was a rattlesnake, I'm not absolutely sure. If I can positively identify the beast, I'll let you know in an future post. Whether or not I do, I'll select and arrange a few more photos for another article. Meanwhile, I won't be climbing any trees with my eyes closed.

A snake in a tree?

It almost seems archetypical. Other than in the movies, I've never seen such a thing before in my life.


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