An Ode To My Tireless Steemit 'Bots

"Creativity is an ode to life. It is not a form of entertainment. It is a form of joy."
- Wynn Bullock -

This bit of epic poetry is long overdue...

As you no doubt already know, I crave readers. Nevertheless, I am very fond of my Steemit 'Bots...

It's about time that I told them just how much I appreciate them!

To All of my Steemit Robotic Up-Voters...

All my Auto-Voters, all my 'Bots, all my Magical Mystery Benefactors — This ode's for you!

My Tireless Steemit 'Bots

My Tireless Steemit 'Bots
Photo courtesy of Alex Knight and

~An Ode To My Steemit 'Bots~

Oh, tireless Steemit 'Bots of mine,
who notice every post!
You read me, you get me,
you love me with your votes.
Though others miss a turn of phrase,
though friends and family spare no time,
my 'Bots, your focus is sublime.
You, my steadfast, faithful friends,
Steemit 'Bots unfailing;
You follow me with loyalty,
attending my economy,
treating me like royalty.
Steemit 'Bots extraordinaire,
my truest friends,
you're always there.
Steem'Bots thoughtful, true, and kind,
holding, always, me in mind.
My Steemit 'Bots so rare,
scarcely can I tell
how fond of you I have become;
You treat me Oh, so well!

My Tireless Steemit 'Bots

My Tireless Steemit 'Bots
Photo courtesy of Alex Knight and

From the bottom of my heart,

I extend this Hearty Thank You! and tribute to each and every one of you who have so kindly expressed your confidence in me by automating your up-votes when I publish.

I do not take you for granted!

Though I may crave readers, I also treasure your each and every vote. Thank You!


LOOK! Check out our amazing product:

Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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