Is ~Faith~ Vitally Important to Healing?

"The way you help heal the world is you start with your own family."
- Mother Teresa -

Without faith, you will never get well.

Are you sick? Have you been injured? Do you have cancer? Heart disease?

Do you want to be healed?

I have news for you:

Whether you are a Christian or not, it's going to take faith to find healing.

I hope you'll stick with me, even if you're not religious. You say you want to be healed? I'll tell you a short bible story to make my point. Just consider the story an "anecdote," OK? And don't miss all the embedded links in the article below.

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Does Healing Require Faith?
Photo courtesy of Jacob Major and

Naaman was a "big wheel."

He was highly placed in the government of Syria, commander of the army. Because Naaman's military campaigns had been successful, the King of Syria held him in great esteem.

But Naaman was a leper.

Leprosy at that time was an incurable disease that resulted in gross disfigurement. Those who had it were shunned and lived with a sense of hopelessness. But through the urging of a young Israeli slave girl, Naaman traveled to Israel, met God's prophet Elijah, and was ultimately healed.

I hope you'll read Naaman's fascinating story for yourself (CLICK this link), but for now I want to focus on a single fact.

Naaman wasn't healed until he believed.

What do I mean, in this context, by "faith" and by "belief?"

Elijah the prophet instructed Naaman to "Go and wash in the Jordan seven times,", promising it would result in his healing.

Naaman was offended. He expected pomp and circumstance, not a trivial task. He was ready to pack up and head back to Syria in a huff.

Fortunately, his servants persuaded him to "take the cure." After he dipped in the Jordan seven times, Naaman was cured.

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Where is your "Health-Faith?"
Photo courtesy of Ben White and

Naaman wasn't healed until he acted.

This is what I mean by Faith. We must believe that a cure can be effective, or we will never take action to apply it. Naaman almost "missed the boat." His "health-faith" was in the wrong place.

Where is your "Health-Faith?"

If you break your arm, you need to "act in faith" and go see a doctor who knows how to set it and hold it in place with a cast. Unless and until you take that "faith-based action," believing that the doctor knows what he is doing, your arm may not heal, or may mend improperly.

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Could your faith be misplaced?
Image courtesy of Reimund Bertrams and

Could your faith be misplaced?

People put too much trust in doctors and hospitals. I find this troubling, because such faith is far from being "evidence-based."

If you want a real "wake up call," try Googling "iatrogenic death statistics".

The most recent statistical studies reveal that errors made by medical professionals are the third leading cause of death. Let that sink in for a moment.

There are better ways.

I have personally found many natural healing protocols to be equal to, or often, far superior to "conventional medicine. You can read about many of them on my Library Health Shelf. You can find many more via the modern-day oracle of the internet, though you must exercise good judgement discerning which remedies are "good."

In all cases, however, you must believe and act, or nothing will happen.

Take the example of ionic/colloidal silver.

Silver is a natural health remedy that is one of the few antimicrobials effective against deadly MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).

I know of at least one man who is alive today because someone who loves him took action. After he had been sent home to die, his step-daughter acted on what she believed. She had heard that silver could help cure MRSA, and she acted on that belief by giving her step-dad a glass of it every day. You can read the whole story here.

That man would not be alive today apart from the belief that silver could possibly help.

But be careful where you place your faith.

For example, the profit-driven medical profession insists you must vaccinate yourself and your children.

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Be careful where you place your faith.
Image courtesy of Reimund Bertrams and

Should you believe it? Many do, and a raging debate has ensued.

Regardless of which side of the debate you favor, many who have "believed" getting that shot would help their child have had horrible outcomes. Do your own research, but will give you a sampling of the risk of believing the wrong thing.

When you believe profit-driven propaganda, if you place your faith in the wrong doctor or hospital, should you fail to take conscious charge of your own health — you or a loved one may become severely ill, or even die.

I have had too many friends who contracted cancer.

The few who are alive today have, in most cases, shunned the "standard practice" of oncology. The survivors have instead sought natural methods of treatment. Almost all who relied on the Medical/Industrial Complex are now dead.

What are your beliefs?

If you've read this far, I hope you can see the clear connection between belief and healing. When it comes to your healthm what you believe, and your willingness to act upon it, can make all the difference in the world.

If you've discovered a natural healing protocol that has been effective for you, please share it in the comments below. If possible, provide references. I'm always interested in learning more and adding to my Library Health Shelf.


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