TIL... Now I'm REALLY Frustrated With the STEEMIT User Interface!😤

"If there is something you must do and you cannot do it, you cannot do anything else." - Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic’s Notebook, 1960

A few days ago, I appealed for help with the User Interface...

I have really wanted one feature that was promised in HF17 but not delivered, ability to edit posts beyond the arbitrary one-month "expiration" date. And so I wrote a post:

🆘I'm Still Jonesing For That "Edit" Button! - Please???🆘

I tried to be clear and respectful. I tried to recount the history and promise leading up to HF17, and tried to describe what I was looking for as well as I could.

Not only have I not received any substantive answer, but,

Today I learned that the situation is worse than ever before!

I discovered that I can't even edit a post older than a week! :(

Is this the straw that broke the camel's back?

Is this the straw that broke the camel's back?
Photo courtesy of Sleepy27 and http://pixabay.com


Once again I'll speculate a tiny bit. I'm guessing that when HF17 was released, the code for the 24hr payout was removed, and the code for the 30 day payout was reduced to 7 days.... BUT ALONG WITH IT, THE "EDIT" time was ALSO reduced to 7 days!!!😣

I find this extremely frustrating.

I've tried to continue producing quality content, to create value for Steemit during the past month. All I've seen since HF17 is vastly diminished rewards and now the opposite of what was promised, making it more difficult to edit posts.

Would someone handling the daily releases please take a minute to fix this?

PLEASE deliver the promised ability to edit posts? This was discussed before the release of HF17 and HF18. This was promised.

Please make good on this promise?

If you personally work on this, Please take action?

If you know who is responsible for this, would you please pass the word?

To whomever may be able to make this happen ASAP,

Thank You in advance, seriously, thank you.


Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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