>>>You *Need* This In Your Medicine Cabinet<<<

"Nothing is to be rated higher than the value of the day."
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -

What is your health worth? Your life?

If your life were ending, what would you give for another day?
A week, month, a year?

Joe was facing the end.

He had an MRSA "Superbug" infection on his aortic heart valve, and was sent home to die.
But more about Joe in a few minutes.

What is another day of life worth?

What is another day of life worth?
Photo courtesy of Maurizio Cattaneo and http://unsplash.com

Silver is a powerful antimicrobial.

We have created the SILVERengines proton to help you put the life-saving silver you need into a form your body can use.

The proton is a small, fully automatic appliance that disperses silver ions into distilled water. When used according to directions, it produces sixteen ounces of ionic/colloidal silver, nature's highest quality antibiotic, in about four hours.

Ionic/colloidal silver is one of the few antimicrobials known to be effective against MRSA "Superbugs." Please click below to visit our web pages for extensive additional information.

CLICK HERE to read how the proton extended Joe's life.

CLICK HERE for technical details.

But silver also has daily, more mundane uses.

You can use ionic/colloidal silver as a mouthwash, disinfectant, and eyewash. It is useful for wound care, pink eye, ear and sinus infections, and athlete's foot. It has many, many more everyday uses.


Introducing: The SILVERengines proton
Image by @creatr

To your good health.

We truly believe that every family needs a SILVERengines proton in their medicine cabinet. While it can be used on a daily basis around the house, it will become vital if a family member were to encounter an MRSA infection.

Purchasing 16 ounces of "Sovereign" brand ionic silver on Amazon costs more than $40. With a SILVERengines proton you can make the equivalent liquid in unlimited quantities at home.

CLICK HERE to Order Yours Today!

Contact @creatr to arrange payment in Steem. We can arrange for escrow via @steemshop if you like.

Or, follow this link for a Steemit Special Price using your credit or debit card.

We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

The content of this article has not been evaluated by the FDA. Nothing herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


LOOK! Check out our amazing product:

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