Updates - ChainBB Auto-Vote And The Psychological Effect Of The Hardfork On Me. (Plus An Important Question)



As some of you may know, I've been an ardent supporter of ChainBB, the forum interface of the STEEM blockchain. If you are new here and you don't know what I am talking about, please read the ChainBB FAQ @jesta just released.

To bootstrap the development of the interface, there is a 15% of every rewards going to it via the "reward beneficiary" mechanism established in the previous hardfork (17-18). I urge everyone who care about this project to consider posting their posts and comments via this interface.

So in order to help and do my part, I've only been posting via ChainBB and have been upvoting as many comments and posts as possible that were created via the chainBB platform.

The Success

As you can see on this steemdb.com page ChainBB is now third position in terms of rewards allocated at 1.16% of the total reward pool in the last 90 days.

**Not bad but of course the goal is to bring this # much higher. **

I'm currently considering other methods that could help @jesta raise awareness and use of this platform which as a bright future.

Another success is the number of steady users we have everyday. We are at around 150 users per day for the last week or so.




I am now going to discontinued my auto-voting on chainbb as my voting % as been exhausted for a long time and my curation rewards took a hit (reduced by almost 90%). The experiment ran for almost 3 weeks.

Since the new hardfork, small holders will have a much bigger impact on the rewards of every post. If the users are actually real supporters, then I expect the userbase to remain similar to what it is today. If they were only their for the free money, then we will have to find better ways to attract real users.

The Impact of the Hardfork On My Voting Power


Ridiculous...absolutely insane...

These are the words that are going through my mind right now. My vote at 100% is sending almost $30 on a post only 2minutes old. That's some serious voting power right there.

So what am I going to do?


I had almost a 1000 STEEM on the sideline...what better use can I have for it now than having more power to distribute $ with my votes?

Now I can think about helping sub communities being launched...for example the french one.

Lots to think about but for now, I have to see how the cookie will crumble with this new piece of information.


How much does your vote send right now? How do you think it will impact your behavior. Please let me know below.

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