I got scammed... and reminded what I want to do is protect people, not blockchains or systems!

Long story short I tried to buy a ledger nanos S from the french craiglist (leboncoin). I send some ethers and the offer disappear. They changed their so I cannot even start to track the scammer.

Why id I try to buy it there?

Well first of all I am supposed to enable the support of Steem on the hardware wallet. Second, they don't ship before the end of march and as I was motivated I decided to speed up the buy. There was also the fact that I wanted to cash out on the bonus from the bull run of the cryptocurrencies (before the red wedding :-D).

I am more annoyed than crying over the lost money

Of course I could go hacker way and unleash the hell on the scammer. I need to fill a complaint first but that won't give me the information, it would go to the police. I could track the scammer and I am pretty confident I can find them again. I could prepare a trap this time (fake website, fake app, virus, etc.). I am mad enough to learn everything I need in order to do that.

But I won't

I calmed down a bit and realize a lot of unfortunate people are getting scammed with our beautiful and magical tech. I know how to not loose all my money in a second, I double check links and understand and do cryptography. But a lot of average Joe and Jane won't and will certainly loose their hard earn money.

We have do to something about it. I have to do something about it. I vow I will.

Being a witness here is just a start. We need to educate

I will start to work on articles to keep people safe. I will make my own website and give tips and advices to not loose your shirt. I am not interested in the money, although I won't say no to a Tesla. I will write as many tutorials as needed, support effort to build a healthy and secure ecosystem.

This is a reminder for us!

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