Dialysis had been quite traumatizing for me if not stressful because preparing for it is quite a hard work if not painful. Our car's suspension was "fixed" by my father, he altered it so now every little bump on the road my body just feels so I am in pain while we are travelling.
Also the cushion on the seats is also hard, he stuffed it with some textile and wood. You basically feel that you are not supported because there is nothing cushioning you against the bumpy road considering that my father also drives roughly although he slows down on every humps on the road, still nothing and I can feel the pain.
Come dialysis time and I do not know if my BP would crash again, if it does then its a sorry time for me because they have to stop my dialysis and the clean factor is affected.
Then I cannot eat as much too because the convenience store that serves what I wanted to eat went into its renovation so it doesn't make me as excited before. What I am happy about is that the weather now is fine and it is not raining and of course I am thankful for God for this another day in my life despite it is as hard as hell.