Children of the present times are very lucky, they have the technology with them to help them about their endeavors and passions in life. Now they do not have to brag about their parents to buy them sets of Encyclopedia because at one touch of their smartphones which is easy now to acquire they can learn and research the subjects that they wan to learn about.
That is just a glimpse of the good side of technology particularly the Internet. It can take you places, entertain you, tutor you, teach you, and build you. But that is without danger because the online world can easily destroy you in one glimpse of a bad website like pornography and such violent sites that can corrupt young minds as early as they can browse the web or type some words to search about.
So now my worries are ever present especially for my little younglings from my siblings. My only hope is that their morality is supported greatly by their parents so at least they are guided. But the danger is still there so our children must be properly looked after so that they would not be corrupted with all the risks brought about by our present technology which is in a way also made our lives easier.