In a few days I will get tested again for my Calcium and phosphorus levels in my body. The recent test revealed that I have a low level of calcium in my system so I just needed to absorb more of it and my doctor also told me to take more Calcium too in my diet.
Taking more calcium supplement didn't give me constipation and maybe it is due to the fact that my parathyroid medicine causes diarrhea. Now that I had stopped it for a while my stools began to form normally. It is just surprising that I discovered that after-effect so now I just confirmed that my medicine just causes more trouble really and it is saddening.
If my calcium level is very low again I will just have to use an active form of vitamin D so that I can absorb more Calcium in my body. I will also have to get strict in my diet despite that I cannot eat that much. It is hard and also expensive to manage my condition but I have to do something or else I will suffer more and revert back into where I started.
I just thank my friends who supports me unceasingly, may God repay you all. I will never cease my efforts to lift myself from my troubles and I am glad that steemit is always here, a heaven-sent community where some of the great people with a loving and caring heart resides.
