A crypto night with mutton hot pot - meeting Steemians from Hong Kong


About a week ago, we, some Steemians in Taipei, received another fellow Steemian, Chris (@chris77d), and his fiance, Candy, from Hong Kong. We had never met each other before but because of Steemit, we had a great night chatting with each other, mainly about crypto and Steem, over a delicious mutton hot pot in a very authentic local restaurant.

From my experience with crypto in the past year, it is truely difficut to have conversation regarding crypto matters with the muggles - you might first need to explain to them what blockchain and bitcoin are and then to convince them that these really mean something and might need to endure the scornful looks on their stupid faces... So I am always very grateful whenever I have the chance to engage in a good conversation with someone who also knows the fundamentals of our cryptotic world.

Chris, however, knows much much more than fundamentals. He, as @wilkinshui eagerly introduced, has been a quite successful crypto investor for some time! That's something I did not expect to know as Chris appeared on Steemin several months ago with the big influx of friends from Hong Kong but he disappearred about two or three months ago. Besides, his job is a social worker! A social worker and a crypto investor? Oh, I guess the blockchain technology indeed is changing the world for people from all walks of life beyond our comprehension.

They were coming to Taipei to do their wedding photography (yeah, Taipei is like the world capital in the wedding photography industry). So Chris and Candy are getting married in 2018 - CONGRATULATIONS!! They are planning some thing big for their future live together as well and I wish the tokens Chris hodls will give this lovely new couple a great start in their new journey ahead.

Ok, back to the introduce this meetup at that night. Actually not a big meetup since the restaurant cannot accomodate too many people, so I only ask a few other Steemians in this city to come and meet Chris. See the photo below from the left: @ygern, @wilkinshui, Wilkins' cute son, Candy, Christ (@chris77d) and me @deanliu behind the camera (I don't show my face as I am all about crypto). Actually @shieha and @lydiachan joined us later that night but we did not take another photo together...







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Take a look around this restaurant. It is quite a down to earth local restaurant and the price is very affordable. I encourage you all to try this when you have a chance to visit Taipei if you are one of those travel for culture or like to pretend local kind of guy. I am. Here is their facebook page.

Politics aside, if you need more motivations, former US deputy national security adviser Stephen Yates once came to this place and ate the very same mutton hot pot like us did. LOL!

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It was just another night in Taipei a while ago, but it means something for each of us as offline meetups are always so magical - once you met, you are no longer internet friends and the friendship between you seems to get real hereafter. I wish Chris and Candy have a beautiful future ahead and I do believe that some day we will meet again. At that time, I don't know if Steem will still be around, but we will and so will the crypo-enabled brand new world!

By the way, Chris has already written two posts about his trip to Taiwan. But both are in Chinese. Still, you can have a look.

人生第一次台灣之旅 - Steemit網聚篇

人生第一次台灣之旅 - 聖誕篇

中文區朋友們好,其實大約十天前吧,我們在台北某角落的羊肉爐店,接待了香港來的即將新婚的夫妻 Chris 跟 Candy,Chris是 @chris77d,香港的朋友可能比較記得,他這幾個月很少有活動。這次他們到台北是來拍婚紗照的(歡迎來這裡消費啊!我聽說 rea當年也來台北拍婚紗呢!),順便就找我跟 @wilkinshui,我找了間最道地的,最有台味的,又最適合當時天氣很冷的羊肉爐餐廳,又找了 @ygern,後半段 @shieha@lydiachan也來聊天 ...

這次聚會,當然離不開聊加密貨幣啦,聽說Chris還是個很成功的加密幣投資者啊,真是英雄出青年啊(要結婚了不能再說他少年了)! @wilkinshui帶了他可愛的兒子來,Candy一整晚都跟他一起玩,讓我們好好聊 怎麼賠錢的 最近有什麼可以投資的,還有工作跟人生等等~~~

兩位新人是明年結婚,祝福他們有個美好的未來!Steem的線下聚會,一回就熟,下一次見面應該就是要一起創業賺大錢了?_ 哈哈,歲末年終,趕緊把這件事寫一寫,當作未來回憶的依據。

這間餐廳很不錯,我也是第一次去吃,下次要是還有人來台北,我再帶你們去吃囉!要先去的請網路Goolge "A宰羊"~~~




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