If you are a parent and love airplanes, this place is perfect for you - Observation Deck in Taipei Songshan Airport 台北松山機場觀景台

If you think this is a boarding gate, it is not. It is the third/top floor of the Taipei Songshan Airport used for Observation Deck. Me and my son went there in the late afternoon last Sunday, without passports. I have been wanting to take him here for a while and finally it was my turn to babysit him and the time is perfect to watching airplanes landing and taking off! So we spend the second half of the afternoon and early evening in this airport right in the middle of the city, approachable via city metro. The place is safe (well, theoretically your chances of getting hit by a plane should go up quite a bit though), well maintained, clean, full of food choices, and heaps of fun for watching how this airport functions on the ground. As you can see, this place has become a hot spot for parents spending time with their kids. You can check this link for official information.

這裡不是登機口。看起來很像,因為都在機場內。這裡是台北松山機場(國內線與國際線都有,尤其是飛大陸的航線多)的三樓觀景台。這裡很舒服,很安全,很乾淨,吃的選擇不少,而且重點是很好玩,如果你喜歡機場或是飛機的話... 不用帶護照,沒有要搭機,只是來玩耍。週日兒子午睡起來,輪我照顧,我就帶他直奔此處,只要搭乘捷運到松山機場站下車就可以,很方便的。你知道機場什麼都有,所以什麼都不用擔心,只要帶一點錢來買食物就好。我們傍晚到,晚上八點才走,還可幻想一下自己要出國玩樂去... 哭哭......

Let's follow my son and take a look of this cool place!


MRT Songshan Airport Station / 松山機場捷運站

Wow an escalator that doesn't escalate! ^^ / 電梯在平面走呢~~~

Up to the ground and entering the airport / 上到地面是機場入口

A modern airport! See our "PEI" couches? / 乾淨明亮的機場

Find the elevator to the 3rd floor... cute drawings... / 尋找上三樓的電梯,充滿童趣吧!

Wow! A Taiwan Bear waiting for you here! / 台灣黑熊在等你囉!

Drink and Bites, more downstairs / 三樓也有點心跟咖啡呢!

Can't wait to see the planes! Run! / 等不及要看飛機了啦!

So many people already here... Seems not a secret place any more! But there is enough room for more!


Two viewing platforms for better views / 有兩道延伸的空中月台可以看飛機起降...

RHS for taking off! See ya! have a happy trip!! / 右手邊是起飛,連老伯都來拍飛機呢!再見了好好玩啊!

Airplane taxiing / 飛機進場作業中 ...

Night time coming ... check here for more good photos / 夜晚降臨,請看這裡有更多晚上的照片喔!

See the Miramar Ferris wheel afar? It's across the river / 遠處的摩天輪是美麗華商場,在河的對岸

Introduction to airlines and aircraft / 各航空公司介紹與飛機展示

Ground operation / 地面作業

If you can't get enough of airplanes, there is a shop downstairs and you can buy more


This is our dinner from 7-11 / 這是我們的微波食品晚餐~~~

Conclusion: this is a great place for local parents who love airplanes or airports to spend time with their kids. But. this is also a nice hidden venue for travelers who are using this airport if you hope to spend some time having fun without worrying about not being able to catch your flights. Better yet, if you are traveling with your kids, it will be perfect!!

總結:住台北的父母們,這是一個非常適合親子同遊的地方,尤其是如果你們喜歡關於飛機的一切。當然,如果想更近距離感受飛機的話,這裡還不夠近(飛機起降還有點距離),你們可以去台北花博公園,飛機降落都會經過的... 另外,或者是你來搭機的旅客,如果你剛好時間還夠,又不想太趕,冒著趕不上飛機的風險去玩,那麼這裡也很適合你來休息與感受一下喔!當然,如果你剛好在旅行,又帶著小孩,那百分之百可以安排一下上來看看,我想很多遊客都不知道這裡的喔!

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