The distribution of our beloved Super Brilliant Dollar, but why?

photo: Douglas SBD Dauntless bomer

Ok, the hottest news in town and I suppose you already know that - SBD is Super Brilliant Dollars that trading around $5-$7 today!

This got me interested to look further about this asset. So I dig a little bit further. According to, we now have 3,559,194.378 as current_sbd_supply. That is more than three and half million SBDs out there. With SBD skyrocketing to the moon now, I suppose many SBD owners would transfer their SBD in the wallet to exchanges and sell. So I checked's SBD wealth ranking and found out that ...

WOW!! More than 65% of the system's pegged assets is now moved to the top 2 exchanges!

So I made the following top 20 SBD holder table for your information here. Top 20 holders account for more than 72% of total supply!

RankNameSteem DollarsRatio

The result is not surprising as a supposedly $1 asset somehow goes nuts and trading at more than 5, 6, 7 times its intrinsic value of course will enormously drive people who hold them to dig every cent of it and sell for this unusual profit... (I sold most of mine at $2 to $3, which is great already and never did I foresee this coming)

The mystery is therefore ...

Who is buying?

Certainly this chart won't give us any clues as buyers are hiding behind the exchanges... I don't know if we will ever know this answer in the future...

But even if we don't. As long as there is someone buying in such a good price for most of us ...

Can we hard fork to produce much more SBDs to them?

It seems logical to do so, but without a logical answer to the first question, every move seems weird though.

Gosh! Aren't these crypto stuffs so freaking interesting!

Douglas SBD-6 Dauntless

CN Version




要不乾脆硬分叉來餵給市場好了,這不是蠻好的策略嗎?Steem整體媒人受損啊?分叉個幾百萬顆新的SBD給他們去買吧!反正我們的債權就是一刀 ... 哈哈,不過,似乎天下沒這麼好的事啊?

目前,大家就是只能寫文章攢SBD了.... 年底怪事特別多?

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