Typhoon MEGI hits directly ... Live reporting from Taiwan 梅姬颱風登陸台灣實況報導

This is probably the most powerful typhoon we have here in Taiwan so far this year. We have a day off today in most parts of this island. Wind blowing crazy with scattering rains ... we are quite used to it actually. See how this typhoon Megi hits Taiwan full frontal in a TV news shot by me.

可能是今年最大的颱風梅姬正登陸台灣中... 台灣本島大部分地方今天都放假。這個颱風結構完整、正面迎來,請見下方的電視新聞畫面。看來,我們幫福建的朋友擋了第一波攻擊啊!^^

I don't have a good view from my place. So I took two videos from my friends (authorized too) to share with you LIVE from Taipei and HsinChu. Remember to turn your volume on to experience it.


Friend A in Taipei 

Friend B in HsinChu - Central part of Taiwan

First a photo of damage he had in his backyard and second a video from his top floor.

Hope everyone is and will be okay .,, typhoon won't leave until tomorrow noon... 


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