#myblock Challenge by @sndbox | Who's Your Blockchain Neighbours

[Image source]@sndbox

Weekly questions published every Monday by @sndbox. This week's question "Who's your Blockchain Neighbors?"


Published questions are ways to find out how the blockchain system chains work. How a block is built from every recorded data entered. Posts, upvotes, comments and all the activities we do in Steemit.

Thank you is a big appreciation for @sndbox where everyone who is not familiar with blockchain will be able to understand and start learning. Like me, honestly I am not familiar with blockchain system, it was just little bit know about blockhain when start blogging on Steemit and know how Blockchain is amazing system which very influential today in our lives.

From the blocks built we can see who our people / "digital neighbors" are related to our activities in steemit. who is the witness of our choice and how they contribute to us, are heroes like bots a lot of choice, worthy of being used again (because I never been had a special relationship with bots except @cleverbot and @banjo two funny bots that like to chat here and there that's very confusing 😂😂) all we can check complete at steemd.com. That's a great ways for me to know who's and how everything and everyone treat in steemit platform..

To participate in this weekly question, and how the rules of the game can be click here.

And the last execution I have to comment. Really prove all this and this is the first experience for me learning the blockchain system.

Lets do it !! ☺️☺️


The Weekly Question Series, stems from research topics within the Sndbox incubator. This series is made open to the public in an effort to engage all Steemians and explore new forms of collaboration.


Best regards,



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