Glory Be to God

First and foremost, Glory be to God. When I came here to Steemit I hoped to inspire people to do something. I still hope people are inspired, I hope people are inspired to come together in support of Global Peace. This is my hope, but even more than that I hope to glorify God. Because no matter what happens, whatever results we achieve, as for me, I am a mere servant of God. I cannot achieve anything without his help. I am nothing without him.

Glory be to God.jpg (Image Credit: US Geological Survey. Creative Commons Licence. ).

Sometimes I write or make videos about my religious beliefs. These will appear here from time to time as well. At first I thought I would keep my Steemit page purely secular, but after some time spent in prayer I decided to change this. My religious beliefs are the core of who I am and what I stand for, and people should know that. Besides, a movement for peace doesn’t belong to me. A movement for peace belongs to everyone. While I hope to inspire people to strive for this thing, global peace, I don’t want to be the center of it. I hope others will write about it too. I hope others will stand up as leaders in this thing. I hope, I know, if this thing is to succeed it will be the result of all of us working on it together. This will take the combined efforts of as many people as we can muster. Success will belong to all of us who work to spread the word about it.

For the rest of this piece, let me tell you more about what I believe.

I believe in God. God is the all powerful being who created the whole world and everyone in it. God made the whole universe, the earth, the sun and the moon, and all the stars in the sky. God made all these things, and to him they are a tiny thing, like clay in his hands.

Tiny though we are, he also loves us dearly. We are all his creation, his children, he made us in his image, and he wants the best for all of us. He is, and has for many years, been working a plan to save us.

Why do we need saving? Because evil came into the world. There really is another powerful being, who is not God, but who is no mere mortal either. This being betrayed God and sought to subvert God’s plan for us. He taught humans to do evil. He infected the minds of man with fear and lies and he taught man to do evil. This being is called Satan or the Devil, and he teaches us to hate our fellow man. He teaches us to hurt others and to fear others. He teaches us that there is no God, that we are all alone here, and that we must rely on our own strength to survive. He deludes man into living lives full of fear, never trusting others, never sharing with others, only looking out for themselves. He turns man into a savage. And just look at the world, isn’t it clear this is the case? Isn’t it clear there is something wrong with man? It is clear we need saving.

How do we get saved? We get saved by putting our faith in God and by believing in God. We get saved when we stop living in fear but in faith. When we have faith that God will take care of us we become free to love. When we realize that God will take care of us, even in death, we overcome the lies of the Devil. You see, if we have nothing to fear, then we have no reason to act violently toward each other. When we recognize that God has us in his hands, all our concerns go away. When we realize that God will give us life again, even after death, we need not even fear death. This allows us to walk the path of true peace. This is the Gospel of Peace.

There is more to tell about these things, but this is a good start. I will write more in time. God bless you, and Glory be to God.

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