Please Help - Heal or Flag - Please Help

The flag initiative to remove scammed rewards from @haejin has begun!!

In less than 3 hours @fulltimegeek fully powered up (250,000SP in delegations returned) and he spent 75% of his voting power in removing rewards from the scammer @haejin!!

Soon Haejln will retaliate full force.
@fulltimegeek and many other supporters will be harmed by retaliation flags. Their reputation and Steem rewards will be severely hurt.

If you are not able, or willing to Flag....then please at least join in healing the casualties that get "nuked" in retaliation. Upvote their posts. Upvote their comments. Help to encourage them and give them reason to sacrifice their SP and Voting Power and Reputation in order to protect Steem and the Steemit platform.


See this post by @anomadsoul and join his effort to do good by healing!! @anomadsoul/every-quest-needs-a-cleric-or-slay-the-cave-troll-healers-needed

Not sure why I and fulltimegeek and hendrix22 are doing this???

See the two recent posts by @public-eye. He does a good job of explaining the numbers and showing that Haejln's rewards are not normal, earned or acceptable.

Thank you for reading, and thank you more for any and all support you can render!!!



75% sacrificed in 1-2 hours. This is not vengance. This is generosity for the whole Steemit platform!


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