Day 3#Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth!

Greetings dear brothers of @steemchurch, thanks to @sc-v for this initiative in entering into the beatitudes that our Lord mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount.

On this occasion we will talk about the third beatitude, which speaks about being "meek", one of the characteristics that every follower of Christ must possess.

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall receive the land for an inheritance." Matthew 5: 5

There is a logical connection between these Beatitudes, and this follows what comes before. It begins with the "poor in spirit", this in turn leads us to a condition of contrition when we realize our sins; and as a consequence it leads us to this spirit of meekness. All these beatitudes are related and do not describe different people, but the true disciple of Christ.

Jesus declares that those who will inherit the earth are the meek ones, but are not those who reach power the harshest, hardest and strongest? Are not the meek ones considered weak? What kind of meekness is Jesus talking about and what are the blessings for being like that?

Its meaning

Being meek is not considered a virtue these days, when a lot is a weakness. Because of this, we may have a wrong idea about this part of the character of the disciple of Christ.

"Manso" does not mean being shy or passive, nor does it mean good education to say things. It does not speak of a person without convictions who seeks peace at any price, since believers are called to "seek peace with all AND HOLINESS, without which no one will see the Lord"; That is, in that search for peace with everyone. Our sanctity should not be put into play, that is the limit. When one speaks of a "meek" being, it does not refer to a naturally kind character, which even an unbeliever can have, but something that only the Holy Spirit can produce.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; Against such things there is no law. "Galatians 5:22, 23

It is the work of God in the heart of man that makes someone who can be the most rebellious and coarse person become docile, with a heart that is left to correct and mold by God.

It is someone who has come to understand what is inside and then acts accordingly with God and with others.

I repeat, it begins with the "poor in spirit" which in turn leads to a condition of sorrow when we realize our sins ("those who mourn"); and this in turn leads to this spirit of meekness.

Your manifestation

This does not occur naturally but supernaturally, that is, through the work of the Holy Spirit, meekness manifests itself first with God. Mansos by letting ourselves be molded by His Word.

The meek looks at himself and tries to conform to what God expects from him. He does not put any "but" nor complain about the commandments, but humbly accepts them as something that is for his good. He looks at himself, considers his condition and recognizes that he needs them.

"Wherefore, casting off all filthiness and abundance of wickedness, receive with meekness (with a teachable spirit) the implanted word, which can save your souls." James 1:21

The proud does not allow himself to be molded by God, but his decision is to continue living under his own resolutions. He has put his "I" on high, even above God. On the other hand the meek accepts God's dealings without a complaining spirit. When we have a proper vision of ourselves, and are aware of our sinfulness (poor in spirit), it is when we accept any treatment of God as good and necessary. If we have sincerely acknowledged our condition before Him, we desperately need His treatment, whatever it may be.

But in addition, to have accepted our condition before Him, to mourn it and to have become so tame, has its consequences in our relationship with others.

I explain myself better: we have gentleness towards God, since we recognize the absolute necessity of His help and guidance. And meekness towards others having eliminated any kind of pride recognizing our real condition. When this is so, who can offend us? Is not the injured "I" the cause of most offenses?

"... who (Jesus) when they cursed him, did not respond with a curse; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but commanded the cause to the one who judges justly ... "1 Peter 2:23

"Do not avenge yourselves, my beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God; because it is written: Mine is revenge, I will pay, says the Lord. So, if your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; for by doing this, you will heap coals of fire on his head. "Romans 12: 19-20

His bliss

The bliss of the meek is both present and future. In the present they have the joy of being part of the kingdom and enjoy every blessing. You can trust God even in the most difficult circumstances by resting in His wisdom.
But it is also a future inheritance

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall receive the land for an inheritance."

As Paul said to Timothy, "If we suffer, we will reign with him." In other words: if you suffer for the cause of Christ, lose care, be gentle and reign with Him. Blessed!

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