The Condition of The Coffee Shop is Worrying

Hi all.
How are you today, I pray that we will all always be protected and always given health by the Almighty God. See you again with my post, and on this good opportunity I will tell you about a coffee shop which is in very poor condition.


Here we can see that the roof of the coffee shop which is made from thatch leaves is leaking a lot, because the roof is old and there is no money to replace it with a new one. When the sun is hot, we will get hot, because sunlight enters the coffee shop through the hole in the roof. Likewise, if it rains, the entire room will be wet with rainwater. That's why buckets are provided to collect rainwater.


The coffee shop owner doesn't have enough capital to patch a leaking roof, he can only install thick plastic on the ceiling to anticipate a leaking roof.


We hope that the government will soon receive help to overcome this very serious problem, so that coffee shop owners can continue their business in earning a living to meet their family's economic needs.


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