The end of my detox week, the results: 4,5kg gone

The end of my Detox week is coming nearer and nearer so I thought I would give you all a little follow up on how it went

if you want to read up on the concept of what I did you can do so in my original post

I lost 4,5kg(10 pounds)in 6 days. which is not all that bad since I am 1,89 mor 6,2 feet tall and used to way in at 88kg or 194 pounds

first of all, its not as hard or awful as it sounds. Since at home we do tend to cook fresh and use a lot of vegetables I really did cope reasonably well on this vegetable week.

The thing I actually want to continue is having the hot water with ginger and lemon in the morning. It has really grown on me sitting at my desk sipping this. It gives me a boost and warms on the inside at the same time (I am not giving up my coffee though)

What does take some effort to make are the smoothies (well at least we put some effort in them) because we went out to pick fresh greens to put in them and this is stuff you can find growing mostly anywhere

  • nettles: they contain a lot of vitamin A and C, iron, calcium
  • dandelion
  • plantain (only the leaves, root is poisonous)

We only focused on these 3 plants because they are so common and easy to find. Every evening we went for a little walk to pick some and then we threw them in our morning smoothie. If you want to give this a go I have put some pics of the plants at the bottom of the post so you will know which ones I am talking about.

What I did miss a bit was the salt. It really does add a lot to flavor but I stuck with it and managed. Even not munching something in front of the TV was not that hard to quit. We just drank tea instead.

I am even going out in the weekend to pick a lot of nettles and dry them for tea in my next urban homesteading project: making herbal teas (post following soon)

You all know this one, do not forget your gloves : the Nettle

The second one is considered a pest by most but its a pest you can add to your salad: the Dandilion
this last one grows near the nettle and its juice eases the pain of the stings in case you forgot the gloves
The Plantain

as usual... do not forget the upvote or your comments

thanks and enjoy

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