How To : Make A Farmer's Knife


Knife making is one of my favorite hobbies. The way the metal communicates with me on what it wants to become. I love to make good sturdy everyday knives for any use.

When we leave our property in Missouri, I am selling all of my knife making equipment to @armadillocreek. Before too long we are sll going to be seeing some amazing things from him!

As one last bang before we go, I wanted to finish a project I have commited my mind to. I want to create a couple of custom knives for @bowentroyer and @thefarmerswife. Bowen had asked me about making a couple of sweet blades for his boys, and I am determined to make it happen.

I am also going to make myself another blade. As my skills increase, all of my knives seem to be better. So I would like my own! I hope to take you along with me step by step. If not so much to learn how, but to enjoy the process.

I am starting with conditioning the steel. After it is annealed there is a solid coating of decarb on it. I have to grind it all off and prep the surface to be cut and profiled. I hope you enjoy it.

This is one of the many things that I do as a homesteader, and I love to share it. I look forward to sharing this with my favorite community Global Homestead Collective. Come check us out, and you might even see @steemcafe hanging around!

Be well. Be creative.

Come Join Us

My video is at DLive

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