Bitcoin Lightning Network Learning Diary, Bitcoin的Lightning Network学习笔记


Hello Steemit friends yesterday I read that lightning network for Bitcoin have done their first testing with great success, so I am wondering how does it actually work because with lightning network, user can use bitcoin to pay for something with 0 transaction time and 0 transaction fee, so I spent some time watching youtube and reading and hopefully can finally understand it

The problem with Bitcoin is that each block is 10 minutes and each block can only process a maximum of 3000 transactions

to solve this problem, lightning network suggest that user just open a channel in lightning network with each other and all the transaction is a contract that do not record into the Bitcoin blockchain but just among themselves

So let say we have User A and User B, they trade frequently among themselves, so they can open a channel in lightning network and do millions of transaction among themselves with lightning speed and 0 transaction fee, and after one year only they close the channel and record the final output on the Bitcoin blockchain, its just like you go out with your friends and you owe your friends $10 today without paying, and tomorow your friend owe you $8 without paying and finally when you want to end the owing both of you settle it with cash

What if now we have more User instead of A and B, let say we have User C,D,E, let say A connect to B, B connect to C, C connect to D, D connect to E, without directly connect to A, E can also do transaction with A as long as they are indirectly connected

Finally if we have lightning network it is a no brainer let say you have $100 worth of Bitcoin and you want to spend $5 to buy a coffee, would you pay 0 transaction fee to buy it but your transaction is not recorded into the blockchain or you want to pay $10 transaction fee but your transaction is recorded into the blockchain?

Finally , how lightning network prevent cheat this is way too complicate for me I will try to learn about it soon

thanks for reading


听说Bitcoin的Lightning Network可以帮bitcoin秒到,而且据说还可以超低交易费或0交易费,百思不得其解到底是如何完成的呢,看了几个youtube,几个解释文章真有够复杂的,我试看能不能简化他


为了解决这个问题lightning network是用channel来记录,然后所有的交易都不记载在blockchain上,那就能秒到

如果只有两个人每天都需要交易,比如A和B,那他门两个就在lightning network开一个channel,交易整年几万个transaction都是秒到,然后不用记录到bitcoin的blockchain上,直到有一天,A要退休了,就关掉Channel,然后才把最后的结算记录到bitcoin的blockchain上

比如 A 放1 Bitcoin B 放1 Bitcoin,中间交易数万次后最后是A 有0.8 Bitcoin, B 有1.2 Bitcoin, 然后最后才在Bitcoin的blockchain上放记录,这就好象你跟朋友出去喝茶,这次我欠你$10,下次你欠我$8,我们只是口头上记录,不用结算,直到有一天要结算了才用真钱来给

好那现在我们再加入C,D,E, 如果A和B有connect,B和C有connect,C和D有connect,D和E有connect,虽然E和A没有直接的联系,可是只要有不直接的联系,那E就能和A交易,所以只要你想交易的人有connect到其中一个就能完成交易

再给一个列子,你现在用了lightning network的钱包,里面只有$100的Bitcoin,你现在去买一杯咖啡,需要付$5,你是选择0 transaction fee,不用在bitcoin blockchain上记录,还是选择给$10 transaction fee然后结算在bitcoin blockchain上呢?

那Lightning Network如何防止出千这个实在太复杂了,到现在我还没搞明白,下次继续,谢谢阅读

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