PitchPerfect Week #29 - Pueblo Llanero (Coversong) Music Folk Venezuela by @gaborockstar

Hola amigos de la familia pitchperfect esta es mi entrada para la semana 29 y lo hago con un tema de un gran músico y compositor de Barinas llamado Luis Silva ; la canción se titula: "Pueblo Llanero", es un pasaje venezolano que compuso para un pueblo del sur del Estado Apure llamado "Elorza" ( Venezuela ). Es para mí un gran honor el poder presentar este tema de su autoría y darlo a conocer a través de este medio. Saludos y suerte a todos los participantes.

Hello family friends pitchperfect this is my ticket for week 29 and I do it with a song by a great musician and composer from Barinas named Luis Silva; the song is titled: "Pueblo Llanero", is a Venezuelan passage that he composed for a town in the south of the Apure State called "Elorza" (Venezuela). It is a great honor for me to be able to present this subject of its authorship and to make it known through this medium. Greetings and luck to all the participants.

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