And Also The Moon

The Death of Actaeon - Titian - 1559-1576.jpg

You are the sun,
and also the moon.
Full of hidden meanings,
you hang above me.

In these dark streets
your light guides me,
and also the moon,
showing me the way.

You hang above me,
I come to you
as a supplicant,
full of hidden meanings.

Soft and silent whispers,
showing me the way.
You are the sun,
in these dark streets.

As a supplicant,
I make you an offering,
in these dark streets,
full of hidden meanings.

I come to you.
You hang above me,
soft and silent whispers
showing me the way.

And also the moon.

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As always, this piece is dedicated to the generous and lovely @mamadini.
Thanks to all the Isle of Write members who gave feedback on this piece: @whoshim, @jrhughes, @sunravelme, @authorofthings, and @dbooster

Check out my latest pieces:

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

The image used in this post is Titian's The Death of Acateon, 1559-1576, and is Public Commons.

© Guy Shalev 2018.

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