

Often times, the pains inside our heart as a result of what has happened within the years throws us off balance that we become so bitter to a point of even questioning if God truly loves us like it is said in the bible. “He said in His word that He loves me, then how could someone that loves me, allow me to go through all these shits? How can God be in heaven and allow the devil manipulate me this way? How can I still pray in His name and he still watched me to fail? Naaaaaaa! I’m done with this God. I can’t put up with Him anymore” these are words said by a lady that thinks that God has forsaken her. You know why I used “think”? cos it’s a thought, is our assumption that makes us think that God has forsaken us amidst our problem. It wired our thoughts to make us believe that we are alone in our own problem.

Do you also have an idea that sometimes, when we are passing through some shits we come to a conclusion that even our friends that care about us have forgotten us? Some persons are as a result of not wanting to disturb God any further, they forget that he forever wants to be with us no matter what we are doing. Some other persons are as a result of the many broken relationships they have had, starting from their parents down to their siblings and their supposedly loved ones, these ones now grow up thinking how God would ever love them when their loved ones on earth couldn’t show them any atom of love. Some are as a result of the church they go to, where they are being told that they should act a particular way to earn Gods love. Do you have an idea that God loves even that ‘dreadest’ murderer? Let’s go down to knowing what Gods love is:

What is God’s Love?​

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that whomsoever believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life
This is where God demonstrated the greatest form of love by sending the only son he has to come and die for people that would be ready to spit on His face if given the chance. God doesn’t care of how brutal man can be, he doesn’t care of how ruthless we are, he doesn’t care of how so much we took Him for granted, He cares for us than the sin itself. He sent his only son to die for us so that we remain eternally saved once we believe in Him.

I want you to know that he loves us even while we are in sin. He loves us regardless what. He doesn’t love us when we believe in him, he loves us when we don’t even want to have anything to do with Him. You see? He even loves the atheists, he loves them not minding how they bash Him and say he doesn’t exist. He only wants you to believe in Him so you won’t perish. The ‘ believe’ is not a condition for his love, there is no condition for God’s love, ‘believe in’ Him is only for you not to perish. Don’t give me that face, can you enter a place where you don’t choose to enter? Your choosing is believing. So you can only enter God’s kingdom and not perish when you believe in Him, when you choose him. Let me not digress from what I’m supposed to tell us about.


Imagine a water in a closed environ or a very big open tank, the water ain’t flowing out. When you drop a stone into the water, it creates ripples in form of a wave like a ring. It bounces back and front to the direction of the end of the water body and the also to the middle where the stone is been thrown. The stone is like a distraction that takes our mind off God’s love and the ripples(wave) are like God’s love. As the wave goes back and front that’s how God keep pushing His love to us. If we push him away, he still comes back trying to embrace us so we’d see that the banner over us is the love of God. He keeps doing this until we love him back. He loved us first before we even started thinking of loving Him. The expression of His love, he gives it to us daily. He yearns for a relationship, is only someone that loves you that has you in mind for a relationship. He loves us more than we can imagine.

Little wonder why the bible said, He has us in mind before the creation of the world. He had already reasoned about us before thinking of what the world would be like. This is why he made us in His image and likeness, to show Himself through us. “I love them so much that I’d reflect through them”, yea, that’s the mind of God.


Finally brethren, when you sit down, thinking that God has forgotten you and no longer loves you, I want you to bear in mind that he didn’t send His son to come die for you so you’d suffer in this world, I want you to know that even if you were the only sinner that Jesus will still die for you.

I leave you with this word, to continually Give thanks to the God of Heaven, for His steadfast love endures forever.- (Psalm 136:26) .

Thank you so much for reading !

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