渣打馬拉松十公里報名成功! | Application to Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon - Successful !

還記得兩個月前 @marylaw 關於跑馬拉松的文章嗎? 就在這文章後面的討論中,我才意識到原來下年度的渣打馬拉松已經接受報名了。我亦立刻報名了。

About two months ago @marylaw shared her marathon experiences in the post, I was reminded that enrollment of next year's 10K run. Therefore I registered myself at once.


近幾年大會改變了報名的方式,由早年的先到先得,網上 + 郵遞 報名,轉為先報名,後抽籤的方式。之前先到先得,好處是即時知道成功與否。但是幾萬名想報名的人,同一時間湧入報名網站,弄得網絡嚴重擠塞。想要成功報名就得忍受漫長的等待,動輒兩,三個小時才能進入報名的網頁。之後又要再忍耐遲鈍緩慢的速度去完成填寫資料和付款的程序。真的是很折磨人的。

Registration method changed in last few years. It used to be an online or by mail, first-come-first-serve registration. With this method, you got the result of registration right the way. However. in order to register the event, one had to wait for two or three hours just to get into the registation home page. Then with super slow responses, one had to spend long time to enter necessary information and complete payment online.



The new method asked the runners to register any time before deadline, which was normally with a period of 2 ~ 3 weeks. Organizer would then randomly draw and decide who could join the event. You can do nothing but wait for result.



I received an email this morning with subject like this:



That's the result of my registration. I got a place in the event. In order to secure my place, I followed instructions on the email and settled payment online.


It was because one of my ex-colleague in my previous company kept pushing me to join that year's 10K run. I then decided if I could get a place in the 10K Run, I would then participate. Somehow, I managed to enroll that year. Therefore, I started my first long rum training. For a first time trainee, I won't success if my colleague, who was a full Marathon runner, didn't train me and support me. I heard that he could complete a full marathon within 3 hours.



We both left my previous company later and joined different companies. That's why we didn't train together again. I still participated the 10K run almost every year, except for 2014 because I missed the enrollment day as I was traveling.



It's about time to start training again. I guess my late night run should take place soon.


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