你的硬盘 U盘就算格式化 清空删除 也不安全。Your hard drive U disk is not safe even if it is formatted.


恰好昨天在路上捡了个 被清空格式化了的U盘。

I always wanted to send an article that is meaningful to everyone.

Just yesterday on the road, I was emptied of a formatted U disk.

其实理论上讲略懂数据恢复常识的,保存在台式机硬盘、笔记本硬盘、服务器硬盘、存储磁带库、移动硬盘、U盘、数码存储卡、Mp3等等设备上的电子数据 就算你格式化了 清空删除了,也都可以恢复找的回来。

In fact, in theory, a little understanding of data recovery common sense, stored in the desktop hard drive, laptop hard drive, server hard drive, storage tape library, mobile hard disk, U disk, digital memory card, Mp3 and other devices on the electronic data even if you formatted Cleared deleted, you can also restore the find back.


Take it out for you today.


这个就是那个捡的 U盘 已经被人格式化清空
.This is what the U disk has been formatted to clear.

This is my recovery data

This is a photo of a recovery round


Basic principles of data storage and recovery
In reality, many people do not know that data deleted due to deletion, formatting, and other hard disk operations can be restored, and that data deleted or formatted will not exist. In fact, after the above simple operation, the data still exists in the hard disk. Those who understand the principles of data recovery can retrieve the lost data in a few clicks.

所以如果想出售 丢弃 或者赠送 别人你使用过的带有储存功能的电子设备时,
唯一的方法就是首先删除数据清空 然后格式化。
在倒入一些没用的文件填满整个硬盘使用空间 继续删除格式化 。
然后继续在倒入一些没用的文件填满整个硬盘使用空间在删除 格式化。

So if you want to sell it, discard it, or donate someone else's electronic device with a storage function,
The only way is to delete the data first and then format it.
Pour in some useless files to fill the entire hard disk usage space Continue to remove formatting.
Then continue to use the space in the hard disk to fill up the entire hard disk by using some useless files to delete the formatting.
Repeat twice in total. Basically deleted permanently.


Note: The demo has permanently deleted the data!

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