The healing power of tea


When we are sick, nothing is as comforting as a cup of aromatic tea in both our hands and steam, which heats our face. No matter how bad we felt myself aroma of tea makes us instantly feel a little better.

Whether you have an opportunity to grow their own herbs, buy them loose or use ready-made tea bags, it is important to have at home the following herbs. They are aromatic and have many medicinal properties. Like the adhesive or aspirin, they are an integral part of the stocks of medicines and allow you at any time to prepare the necessary your cup of fragrant, hot tea. No doubt the world has many useful herbs here concentrate on those that are easy to grow on the terrace, in the garden or find almost any herbal pharmacy.


Mint tea is a classic included in almost all tea bags combining various herbs and is liked because of the refreshing effect.

Cultivation: Mint is not just grown easily and directly can take over your garden. Therefore it is better to grow it in a pot iliv separate bed. There are different varieties of mint, but their qualities are similar because they all contain the active ingredient menthol.

Note: If you suffer from acid reflux, mint can worsen your symptoms. Peppermint has antispasmodic action.

Used for : sore throat, pain relief bloating and flatulence, relieve muscle cramps with diarrhea, a slight expectorant action colds or bronchitis; causes sweating and reduces high temperature; relieves nausea.


Ginger is a component of many herbal syrups against cough, cold or nausea.

Cultivation: Ginger is a tropical plant that is easily grown indoors. It needs rich soil, heat, humidity and indirect sunlight.

Note: not recommended overrun of 4 grams of ginger per day - the constituents of ginger may cause irritation of the oral mucosa and diarrhea, if taken in large doses.

Used for: relieve nausea (including travel) warming induce sweating to reduce fever, relieve sore throat.


Chamomile tea is brewed little longer than other herbs to reap all the benefits. There is a slight cause sedation or drowsiness.

Cultivation: Chamomile is easily grown from seed. Sow them in late winter and move them out of when there is no risk of frost. Once it grows, the plant hardly needs care and can thrive with very little water even in the summer months.

Note: tea of chamomile should be avoided by people taking medication to thin the blood. People suffering from allergy to ragweed, they may have an allergy to chamomile, because both plants are very similar.

Used for: reduce anxiety, relieve mild nausea, sore throat when in sleep problems.


Cinnamon not only carries the scent of Christmas, but also has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, making it ideal for therapeutic purposes. Cinnamon is an excellent source of antioxidants.

Cultivation: cinnamon is fragrant bark of a tropical evergreen tree that grows remarkably well in large pots indoors.

Recipe: one teaspoon cinnamon powder or a stick of cinnamon, honey and milk taste.

Used for: improve circulation, relieve nausea, stomach pain, bloating and digestive problems; It has a warming effect; relieves sore throat and cold symptoms.

Lemon grass

This is easy for growing plant possesses antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, making it suitable for treatment of various symptoms.

Cultivation: You can use purchased from the store lemongrass, placing it for several days in water to grow roots and then planted in the box that you put on the windowsill. Indoors grows year round.

Used for: improving digestion, calm the nervous system in the treatment of high blood pressure, improves blood circulation, has a mild diuretic action, and reduces fluid retention.


This beautiful flower is probably one of the best herbs to preventive action. Echinacea not only has antibacterial properties, but also stimulates the immune system to enable it to probori attacks of viruses and bacteria. As leaves and purple flowers have medicinal properties.

Cultivation: The plant is a perennial, has deep roots and is somewhat resistant to drought. The seeds can be visited out in early spring. She loves much sun and less moisture.

Used for: strengthening the immune system, relieve pain and inflammation, has an antioxidant effect, reduces the duration of the common cold.


Besides blooms very beautiful, wild rose has many useful properties. It is suitable addition to various fruit teas.

Used for: a natural source of vitamin C, strengthening the immune system, rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, selenium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous and zinc; increases energy.

Leaves of blackberry

The tea from the dried leaves of the blackberry has a pleasant fruity flavor. The leaves are loaded with tannins that strengthen the immune system. (Bonus tip: add a few leaves of blackberry when you make pickles, tannins will keep them crunchy).

Note: the excessive use of leaves of blackberry or other products containing tannins, can lead to liver damage.

Used for: a source of Vitamin C, anti-diarrheal, relieve sore throat; antibacterial action against bacteria causing gastric ulcers; source of antioxidants that strengthen the immune system; a rich source of silicic acid, the same that gives aspirin ability to alleviate pain and fever; It helps with inflamed gums.


Clove gives a nice taste of herbal tea, and it is used for centuries to treat various symptoms. It has antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cultivation: Clove is derived from the dried buds of flowering evergreen tree whose Todina are Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. Can not thrive in different climates or grown in greenhouses.

Note: The excessive consumption can lead to liver damage, blood in the urine, diarrhea, nausea and dizziness.

Used for: expectorant action, helps with sore throats and tonsillitis due to antiviral and antibacterial properties; It acts as an analgesic.


Melissa was used by the ancient Greeks as a tonic for maintaining good health. It is a component of Carmelite water - recipe cooked by nuns Carmelita in the early 17th century to treat headaches. The recipe also include coriander, nutmeg, lemon peel and angelica root.

Cultivation: easy is growing and the more you pick it, the more you grow. It is a perennial plant that grows in warm climates, likes moist soil and shade during the hot summer months. Sow it into a separate bed, not take over your entire garden.

Used for: anti-virus in mumps and herpes; calms the nervous system, helps with insomnia and digestive problems; reduces nausea.

If you can keep at least part of these herbs themselves, to make sure that when grown for harmful chemicals. Considering that are usually used for the preparation of a medicinal tea is essential to obtaining only herbs grown in brzopasen and environmentally friendly way. If you have been sprayed with pesticides, rather than heal the tea will only take more toxins. When preparing tea with curative intent, always cover the pot with a lid until the herbs brew. So all healing properties will remain in the cup instead evaporate. Most herbs need to brew at least 10 minutes to get the best results.

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