I'm A Whale! Are You A Whale?

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I'm A Whale! Are You A Whale?

I'm a Whale and I love it. Now I'm not actually a Whale as far as wallet size but I'm a Whale in terms of heart size. I feel so strongly about my mission to stop the abuse on OUR reward pool that I classify myself as a Whale.

Are you Whale?

What do you consider yourself to be? Do you care about OUR reward pool? In actuality if all of us minnows with Whale hearts join together we would become an actual wallet Whale with a Whale heart and that's powerful.

Our mission is clear!

We have to join forces to stop the abuse on OUR reward pool and helping is easier then you think. You basically have 4 options.

It's so easy!

If you believe then fight! If you don't then stay quietly in your own world just like society typically does. The platform is littered with good people who want a better world and allowing abuse in our new and better world is not acceptable. I will sacrifice my blog and all of my earnings to stopping this for as long as it takes. To me our new better world starts here and starts now. Change means more to me then money. I have no extra money and my job sucks balls and I could really use my earnings on here to better my own financial situation but I'd rather better All Of Ours mutually.

Join the fight! Stop the Snoodlers!

The two additional flagging accounts can be monitored from these addresses.


To delegate to these accounts please follow these steps.


To delegate the easy way read this post


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