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My @haejin Update & Request For Solution!

My @haejin Update & Request For Solution!

As I'm sure most of you are aware I have flagged every post -100% that @haejin has made for around 6 weeks now. I am unable to do to much damage to his posts resulting in only about a $5 to $6 decrease per post. I am still happy with my effort and I put my foot down to help stop the reward abuse.

I have been able to return $50 to $60 in rewards to the pool daily. I still feel that this is the right thing to do and will not stop flagging unless we can come up with a solution to this issue.

Community Unwritten Standard

It seems as though the community has an unwritten standard of around 4 to 5 posts a day maximum. I think that if @haejin reduced his post number to a maximum of 4 to 5 times a day and only 4 to 5 @ranchorelaxo upvotes per day I will stop all flags. I still feel that it would be excessive in terms of rewards but it would be more acceptable by the entire community.

I have been contacted privately by a lot of Steemians who are waiting for the right time to jump in on the flags. They are waiting until a time when we can actually put a stop to him fully and put him to $0.00

I don't want him to be $0.00 I don't think his effort and content should be $0.00 nobody's posts that are actually written with effort should be $0.00. I feel that the rewards from 4-5 posts daily would still be a lot of earnings and a reasonable solution.

Where's the meme's?

I have decided to stop creating degrading meme's against him for two reasons. The first being that it is not bringing more support to me by doing so and the second being that it's actually quite rude and I really don't like acting in that fashion.

I think that most people now all know where I stand and how I feel on the situation. I don't need to keep up with making people aware of what side I'm on.

Compile 2 coins per post?

I understand you cannot compile many coins into one post since it would be difficult and sometimes time is of the essence. You could however combine two coins into one post. Many times I have witnessed you create posts only fifteen minutes apart from each other. These could have been in the same post!

Willing to stop the flags?

I'm willing to stop flagging if he can reduce his posting to 4-5 per day max! I also am willing to have a civil conversation on this post with @haejin! I welcome you to discuss this solution with me here on this post!

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