Hello friends of the farms in this opportunity I will talk about some of the most advisable advice to raise healthy dairy cows. Livestock represents an important commercial and subsistence activity in many countries. The healthy breeding of a dairy cow should contemplate the welfare of the animal and optimize its productivity. fundamental advice to help you raise your cattle.
The term cow 'generically refers to females of different breeds belonging to the mammalian species Bos primigenius taurus. What characteristics does this animal have?
Its morphology is characterized by the muscular body of impressive size, with tail and elongated legs that end in sturdy hooves. Their large eyes and thick muzzle with wide holes stand out in their features. The fur is short and has different shades. Some breeds also have two hollow horns.
The weight of your body does not preclude your agility or your sensitivity. They stand out for their strength and endurance, but they are also intelligent animals with a great capacity for learning. It usually presents a temperate and very sociable character when it is raised in optimal conditions.
Each species of cow is more different than you would imagine, not only physically, but in terms of the revenue that humans derive from their milk and meat.
Every day we consume a good amount of dairy products and, although we know where they come from, we are not familiar with the breeds of dairy cows or their characteristics. Bovines are a species of mammals used by man not only for their meat, but also for the milk they produce.



Also known as Friesian cow, it comes from the regions of Lower Saxony and Schlewiwg-Holstein, in Germany and the Netherlands. It stands out for its great milk production and because it adapts very well to the environment. In fact, it has been adopted as a dairy cow in several countries. From it the Holando-Argentine race descended and it is the most frequent in the farms, with its white body with black spots.


This breed provides, not only a good quantity but also a good milk quality, which yields more when it is turned into cheese due to its contribution of casein. The Norman breed can produce up to 20 liters of milk per day and is very common in Latin American countries.


Also called rojina or red pasiega, this cow, which produces up to 20 liters of milk per day, is indigenous and exclusive to the Pasiegos de Cantabria Valleys, Spain. His red hair - ignited or countersunk - is his main physical characteristic, as well as the fact that he can measure up to 130 centimeters high, product of his long and thin limbs.


It is another breed of dairy cows used for the creation of mature cheeses and yogurts of the 'Greek' type since the Middle Ages. It comes from Switzerland, specifically from the mountains of Bern, and is considered to be 'dual purpose' for its meat and daily production of 19 liters of milk.


This breed is derived from the Holstein and lives in Argentina and Uruguay. The first specimens were born in the Netherlands in 1880, and then were taken to the fertile land farms of both South American countries.


This breed of British origin is of 'dual purpose' and is characterized by its brown coat, as well as its docility and the high fat content of the milk it produces. It is small in size - between 360 and 540 kilos - compared to other cows, although it is the most efficient of all. The breed was developed in the British Island of Jersey, located in the English Channel, is believed to be descended from Normandy cattle and is considered an independent breed since 1700. For many years the import and export of cattle was prohibited. the island to maintain the purity of the Jersey.


The last breed of milk cows is native to the western region of Cantabria and today is present throughout the community, especially in the mountains of the interior. As for his physique, they weigh approximately 320 kilos and measure 135 centimeters of height. The Tudanca cow has a lean appearance, is temperamental in character and its walk is decided. It is not the most dairy or the one that produces the most meat, but it is very resistant and requires little care. It adapts to the mountain climate, its milk is rich in fats and its meat is tasty and lean.


What farmers do with their cows is to try to know the reproductive behavior of each of their horses. The fertility of this species is determined by its ability to give birth at regular and constant intervals. Evidently, the age of the animal is taken into account and there are parameters to measure the performance. These are pre-established according to the optimum levels that are managed within modern livestock.
The ideal is for an average cow to have offspring every 12 or 13 months. This would allow it to produce milk for about 10 continuous months, and then repeat the cycle, although not all specimens will behave in the same way.
When we speak of the estrous cycle we refer to the phenomena that occur within the ovary of a mammal. In the case of the reproduction of dairy cows it is usually controlled by artificial insemination.
This cycle lasts about 21 days, although there may be a variation and varies from 18 to 24. The heat period or the heat season lasts about 18 hours, so you have to be very careful not to waste the opportunity.
After the animal goes into heat, ovulation lasts about 11 hours on average. It should be noted that the period of optimal fertility of the egg lasts between two and four hours. Doing things on time is key to having effective processes.
Then the pregnancy will last between 278 and 288 days, depending on the breed of the cow. The Jersey and Holstein breeds do it in ten days less than the Swiss brown.



Feeding is a factor that defines fertility even from an early age. Ovulation, gestation and dairy production depend in large part on the quality and quantity of energy resources consumed by the so-called 'novillonas'. The most productive animals have the ability to mobilize a good part of their body weight to produce milk. In the best case, a cow can lose 85 kilos during the first 120 days of lactation. In short, the most productive livestock feed and invest the acquired weight to generate more milk liquid.
Structural carbohydrates are the main source of energy for a cow's body. Being a ruminant animal, your digestive system needs high contribution of these nutrients to function properly.


Cattle raised in the field with abundant vegetation usually graze 8 to 10 hours a day. The feeding of a dairy cow in smaller environments must contain enough fodder to compensate for the decrease in natural grazing.
Ruminant mammals need abundant hydration to maintain good health. An adult cow can ingest 18 to 30 liters of water per day. In summer, when the temperature rises in the fields, the volume ingested can exceed 50 liters per day.
It is essential to leave fresh and clean water available to the animal throughout the day. It is also recommended to clean the containers of water and food daily, in addition to avoid leaving them exposed to the sun.
Unfortunately, there are physical limits on cows' pasture consumption. For all this, the farmers provide their specimens with nutritional supplements and concentrated foods with a greater amount of starch. The process is not so simple and can generate hormonal changes in the animal and in the milk produced.
The most used technique is the mixing of rations. In this way, the grass is mixed with oats, yucca, rice grains, raw materials and special additives to neutralize the pH of the yeasts implemented.


Despite its imposing size, cows can get sick easily because of many microorganisms present in the field. Therefore, it is essential to respect your vaccination letter and provide periodic visits by the specialized veterinarian. Also supplements and concentrated vitamins are often used to strengthen the immune system of cows.


Most breeders recommend milking the dairy cow daily once or twice a day. In addition, it is important to establish a specific schedule for milking and to respect it.
It is important to have a column for support and prefer a quiet and comfortable environment. Manual milking can be laborious, but it is very indicated to preserve the tits of the animal, it is necessary to keep the cows vaccinated and constantly monitor the gestation period. Intervening during the correct time periods will be key to the reproduction of dairy cows.

It is that this process requires vigilance, quality food and a lot of relevance. With regard to control, the first thing to do is to keep a record system, with which we can verify the heat during the estrous cycle. The correct thing is to make two daily measurements. In addition, we must promote a quality diet, even from the first months of life of the cow. Include some minerals will be quite useful to increase the quality of energy resources consumed.
The healthy breeding of a milk cow can be a beautiful, healthy and lucrative activity. As long as the production preserves the health and welfare of the animal.

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