360 Encouragement: What's Fear & Excuses Got To Do With It?

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Reasons Not To Post This Video

This video is old. It's incomplete. I don't think I did a great job of articulating my point. So goes the many reasons why I could've refrained from even considering to post this today. Well I went ahead anyway and put this out for the world to see. I had no clue when I recorded this video some time ago that I would eventually use it to make a stern point about finding all the excuses in the world to not go forward with an idea you have. Of course we all make excuses. No one is exempt from that but the difference is between those who make them a habit and allow excuses to hold them back and those that say I could care less and move forward anyway. No matter what your flaws or inadequacies are you have to put your ideas out into the world. Sure you may not be the best this or that. So what? You may not have the skills to do this or that. So what? Be bold, be brave, and learn to eat excuses for breakfast. Right now you have time. Use it to do what's on your mind. Peace. 

Have you ever made an excuse that you later regretted?

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