A Daily Dose: Never worry about decisions!


You may be someone who always thinks of many instances when you need to decide on something. Why? It’s because you are very cautious and every time I see you thinking about something, you can’t hear anything but your thoughts.

I really don’t find it strange to see you behave like that. I fact, it’s probably because I got used to it. You’re always trying to figure out what’s the best option to take, like someone who doesn’t want to make any mistakes. I can see that you were very composed that in some rare cases, you tend to overthink.

As a perfectionist, you want everything as perfect as planned. You always want to produce good results to meet everybody’s expectations. You know that many eyes are watching you, so you can’t afford to make disappointments.

I think that that you’ve cared too much of what will people say about you because you don’t want to feel disgraceful. If not, you wouldn’t mind lying your guard down and be just like a kid, someone who only knows how to be happy.

In case you haven’t noticed, you have been living your life for the sake of others like you just existed for their own satisfaction. You have forgotten that you have your own life and that committing mistakes won’t prohibit you from breathing. Why not let them hate you or appreciate you? You can live your life without pleasing anybody, and you shouldn’t. What will happen to the world if majority of the population are like you, living for anybody’s sake?

Don’t be mad at me. I’m just here speaking what I think would be best for you. I wouldn’t mind to be that reason why you’ve learned how to be a human. I know I’m just a stranger and I should not meddle with your own business. It’s just that, you reminded me of my old self.

I was once like you, afraid to be a disappointment so I always try to do my best. However in my growing years, I’ve learned to value myself. I found self-worth and wisdom to live fully. You can stay just like that or begin to accept the truth and try to live like a bird, not afraid to fly alone. It’s down to your choice. Just remember to appreciate yourself at least.

"Never worry about the decisions in your life. If your decision is correct, it shall increase your confidence. If your decision is wrong, it shall increase your experience." - Anon

I heard and witnessed a lot of people who always doubt themselves when it comes to decision making. They tend to ask almost everybody to weigh if their options are worth choosing for.

It’s not really bad to ask for opinions from others but if you’re always asking whenever you need to, you won’t learn how to take on decisions when you’re alone. You will always feel hesitant and in the end, you may end up giving them up.

It’s very true that when your decision is correct, it will increase your confidence and if not it shall increase your experience. Acceptance and appreciation are what can make these things into reality.

Are you someone who always feels having difficulties in choosing the right decision? Have you learned how to overcome this fear?

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