It's been a long time since I've actually written anything about a day out for myself. Strangely, this was something I wanted to share since the beginning of yesterday. Not that something great actually happened but it was more about what I was most appreciative & grateful for.

We shouldn't be writing down only because something great happened but also because something BAD didn't. For that, I blessed that we have ONE DAY of joy which we can be happy for.

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As always, Saturdays are the busiest day of the week. Both hubby & myself have to take turns to be DRIVERS for the kids. And it starts as early at 8AM in the morning for their extra curriculum activities. Although it was a long weekend holiday in view of the celebration of our country's Independence Day, school activities was still on as usual on Saturday. So, there goes any plans for Staycation even if there was a slightest thought.

And of course, due to our hectic work schedule, house cleaning was totally not in my books. I turned to my long time alternative of having a weekend helper to manage the cleanliness of the household once a week. It was the best decision I ever made... Amy comes by every weekend & she's a miracle helper for me. I don't know what I would've done if I never found her. She's been in our employment for almost 8 years now.

By 1 PM, we managed to achieve :-
i) Kids school activities - Checked
ii) House cleaning - Checked
ii) Grocery Shopping - Checked
iv) Take away Lunch for Kids - Checked

I was really proud of myself for having completed quite a number of task in the list. The afternoon session was a bit tougher. I had to explained vigorously with my elder son as to why he needs to do his revision in the afternoon. Final examinations is just around the corner & as the saying goes, Practice Makes Perfect.

I had one important task to achieve in the afternoon. Folding Clothes !!! There was 3 large baskets of clothes to be folded. I'll admit.. I'm quite fussypot when it comes to folding clothes & placing it correctly in the right drawers. As such, no one really fuss around me when I'm doing it. As you can see below, the entire carpet is full of clothes.. Ha ha


Finally, all house chores completed. It was finally time for dinner. Cooking seems to be the perfect option in order to tighten the wallet a bit since both hubby & I are going for a short weekend trip. But, then the thought of cleaning didn't really appeal to me.

There was 2 options :
i) Nice dinner, come home & be a potato couch again
ii) Quick simple dinner & go watch Crazy Rich Asians

Naturally, option 2 was much more appealing. It has been a long while since we last catch a movie in the cinema especially after we bought the online tv system (I have no idea what it's called but I'm sure most of you understand what I mean). Only my elder son could join us since it was P13. I didn't think my 9 year old son would enjoy all the mushy stuff.

The movie was great ! I'm so proud to be an Asian. And walking out from the cinema, I knew I was going to be watching this movie again very soon. It's a wonder why so many people are talking about it & the cinema... It was full. Guess, everyone is just like me...


By the time we got home, it was already almost midnight. An entire day gone but I felt good as I still had a Sunday to enjoy...



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