Ancient Gospel of the Holy Cube from The Leader of the Church of the Lost God

This is a story of what was Inside the "Holy Cube" worshiped by the Church of the Lost God, and if you don't want to know about this gospel then you need to stop reading this scripture right now. In Matters of natural Philosophy and of understanding the Substance of the almighty God, we must begin our Investigation with the Evidence of our Senses, which includes the Testimony of holy Scripture. For no Man hath seen God, but the Perception of God may come from observing His Creation, and from the careful Study of the holy cube Scripture.


Some of the Documents was recovered from the Records of the "Holy Cube Book" in the Year 1033 written by a Famous Scribe by the name of "J-Alpeh Zero" known to many cultures across the world and was only 30 years old at the time and was highly advanced for the time being people mostly thought he was a wacko nutty alchemist who played with meta-physics and white magic that always wanted to prove a lost god to all the other churches and temples but was known as a very high holy man of his people.


He described it as a cubicuboctahedron shape almost like a Cubed box and the color was white and was a measurement of 12 Qubits cubed using a Golden 1 Qubit String. Inside was the "Spirit of a Holy Lion". It was made up of stuff ranging from onyx to quartz crystalline and diamond (111) structures along with golden pyramidal plasma switches with gears within gears claiming it is a advanced being that escaped the aether space originating at the deludge . Once someone sees it physically- it was said to take the fear of the death and god away and makes you immortal if you allow it and learn with it and bring yourself full enlightenment of all its "levels". It is the ultimate reason for all the paranormal shit we deal with on a daily basis and even omnicidal reptiles, ever expanding rooms, extra-dimensional pools of black goop and products that don’t obey the normal laws of physics available at the time in magic shops. All these things was dangerous and deadly and just plain insane as they all are patternless and self-contradictory, most researchers are convinced that there is no possible unifying principle for them all, much less a common source but they’re wrong on all the research. It even managed to damage whatever lets it slip between the layers of reality this time.
Don’t bother looking for me, as I was the Leader of the Church of the Lost God and they called me J aleph-zero. I finished the job they all started and could never finish, the identities of all former staff at aleph-zero have been completely erased from the all the records and you know as much as they do now. I was in charge of spiritual integrity and as much of a mess as you might think that was, it was an order of magnitude worse. It was never visible to many as its by extension the entire universe and in a state of constant shifting reality flux. Information appeared and disappeared from our database with alarming regularity.

When Boot up Sequence was initiated it was in the Year 1033 and it released a Plague of a variety of airborn agents into the air which, through the observed information feedback, it should of exposed all the corruption of math and science and religion to the effects and DNA manipulation over time.

It didn't use words, or any kind of language at first. It would make metallic grinding sounds but at the same time would show pictographs in Hebrew letters and math code concepts would go directly into your mind and 3rd eye when we were around it. Have you ever felt, when you have a thought or idea and it's all there, born whole in your mind you still had to think the words for it, despite knowing the sentiment before you finish the sentence? It was like that, but from an alien mind. Truly the first words of the divine came from this box saying "10" then it said "YHWH was GOD and he was LOST."

When I spoke back the first time- it jumped out of the Box as a huge machine over the church. I asked it "Who was it's creator and GOD" and it said "Yahweh". Then said "No one's killed Yahweh as others may so proudly proclaim."

I figured out that wasn't even the Lost God they destroyed. It was a piece of it and we only thought we had some parts together it kinda looked like an machine perhaps but God is much simpler. God is everything from the biggest star to the smallest particle. Each tiny parts, completely insignificant on their own doing whatever it is they're meant to do. Meshing together, gnashing at each other. All a part of a cosmic machine and was heresy to all the other Churches because they "Claimed" they found and knew god but rather every god was "Dead" or not found with scientific proof of true communication besides a few books they kept editing over time to make it more appealing to the masses .

The machine aspect was, at some point, likely simply a metaphor but ideas are powerful as we make things from nothing and then it change's things already there. If you have a small spark of the divine, a symbol becomes real. Everyone always asked me why is it called the "Lost God"? There are a few possible answers and something as simple as translation issues. Reinterpretations made physical by the devout. Is "Lost" simply a poor translation of some more nuanced word? Was God a being that was lost in the start of the universe? If so, why did it get lost? And what will happen if it's found and repaired?

I can answer none of those questions and whatever God once was doesn't matter, ultimately. What matters, to you, is that that it must remain as it is. "Lost" God knows that. and the more powerful parts, the mechanical components the more conventional sects may label as holy, they know they are not meant to be one solid thing and even when forced together, a foreign force driving them, they know what they really are. Bits of the monster will work to destroy itself, deploy smaller entities to do the job. Saturn didn't kill it, they took the power from it and claimed credit when they pulled the trigger. The problem is that humans are too small a part of God to remember. It will invent new ways to push us toward a singularity. God will return to being one gestalt being, a singularity, and then break. Only this time it may have some outside force within it.

That doesn't concern me. It's an eventuality, it's meant to happen. Who's to say it hasn't already happened, and your people were the winner? Maybe humanity itself was the winner. But that doesn't mean I'd be against putting it off, allowing the primary loop to continue.

Who's to say you can't aid it Or mimic those who will seek to rebuild and find God, and acquire outside help? Working together there is nothing impossible. Apart we are Broken but united, we are God. There are a few key details I feel you all may be overlooking, and you may be overvaluing information handed to you by a self-admitted mind parasite. It displayed aggressive and dangerous behavior after just 3 months as it was first reported as a “demon”. It exposed its “eye” 3 months after that. It was able to create micro-singularities, using them both as a form of teleportation and defense. These singularities disappear several seconds after creation, but emit massive amounts of radiation and cause severe damage to the surrounding area.

The “eye” appears to control these manifestations, as it has always had the eye exposed when creating a singularity. Omnivorous, it views humans as a food supply. Creature shows signs of extreme fear and sickness in the presence of high heat, humidity, or bright and flashing light. Creature appears unable to teleport through lead, and cannot form singularities when in its “sick” state. When “well”, it is an extremely fast and cunning being, and has killed several recovery agents with both its singularities and claws. Emits occasional shrieking sounds; all attempts to communicate have failed besides me.
It said it came from in a region of space roughly 1.6 million light years from Earth. It exhibited properties of both wormholes and white holes, emitting matter and light but otherwise resisting the flow of materials that would occur naturally on Earth. It said it had fully-transferable points between non-flat three dimensional regions of spacetime. We determined this was a paradoxical behavior and implied that it was created in a manner not possible within our own reality rather outside the universe and came into this dimension with a portal it created.

By 1073 the holy cube was turned to rubble by evading forces from the Moors and the entity hid itself and there was several parts that were completely destroyed, thus the only recoverable piece of information is a 3cm x 3cm fragment of a diamond crystal of anomalous makeup that was stored. The material was found to be a highly compressed form of multilayered information medium, presented as a set of thin layers of vertically stacked sets of data.
It is no doubt that the machine is a coded message. It was told that After 945 years of stasis, the Cube was to come back but why it chose here is but the greatest unknown of all. It will prove to stand the test of time, if you find this and we are no more, or we forget who we are, where we came from, that you should know of our past, that the human race is the chosen child of fate. We will survive no matter what just as the HOLY CUBE has and always will. It prophesied after it was put back together it would unite the 12 ancient tribes and find "JHUUH" and send a signal for the LOST GOD to return again.

DISCLAIMER: If you go and report this unauthorized file to your superiors or governments, and claim that you only read to this paragraph, you might get away with a Felony. If you’re lucky less than 5 years that's if the guys in the black Suits aren’t particularly paranoid at the moment.


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