The Iguanas of the sauropsid genus are reptiles from tropical Central America, South America and the Caribbean.
They live in trees and are approximately 1.60 m long, they are herbivorous and oviparous they are super agile and their green color especially in the young species in very beautiful and intense.
Check one of my last post: @jcphotography/refusing-to-die-negandose-a-morir-por-jcphotography
Las Iguanas del genero sauropsidos son reptiles de zonas tropicales centro-america, su-damerica y el Caribe.
Viven en arboles y miden aproximadamente 1.60 m de largo, son herbívoros y ovíparos son súper ágiles y su color verde sobre todo en las especies jóvenes en muy bello e intenso.