Have you ever thought of something that will modernize the global heath care facility? This question has been a topic of discussion for more than a decade, citing the various vices hindering human well being, the community health care and lack of medical service support in various corners of the world. This has been the cause of higher mortality rate, political instability, hunger and increased poverty in the world. The WHO statistics says that 5.6 million million children age below five years old die before reaching five years old (WHO, 2016). This case mostly occurs in developing countries generally Africa, Asia and South-America, thus a need to develop a durable and efficient health care system.


Let’s think on something right. ''AIR CLINIC''

The Air clinic project simply aims to make this world a better place. It is a the first decentralized health care facility built on the steem blockchain. When we talk about a decentralized system, we mean by the elimination or remove of the middleman. For years, this world has been victims of numerous health challenges which where not due to the incompetence of the health care providers but those in charge in passing laws and regulations on behalf of the community.

In Africa, most countries allocated a minimum budget to the development of strong and efficient health care services. This result to a high mortality rate, lack of medical care, low pharmaceutical support and increase of health challenges among the people. The intervention of a decentralized system ''AIR CLINIC'' only means to make life easy. Not only for people in a certain community but also to a wider range of people around the globe.

Its incredible features and upcoming projects make this platform an amazing mission which will save the humanity. While aiming to provide easy, quick and services within means of people, they also reward contributors to medical sector such as those involved in medical research, article writing, consultations and outstanding community services.

Moreover, issues as low access to health care services, hospital bureaucracies, patient’s inequalities for health service and long distance health care problems will be solved using the AIR CLINIC APP. This app will not only be working online but also offline.

Imagine being located in rural areas and a member of the family is just caught up with malaria or any unprepared occurrence. Would that person die simply because health care services are far located than his home? If people can access food in few minutes, transport services in few minutes such as UBER, why not health care services?

The AIR CLINIC is filled up with professional medical actors as Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacologists, Specialists and above all, there will be a way to link the world through the AIR CLINIC APP. In otherwords, Doctors from Australia and those in Deep South African rural region will have to communicate and provide direct and fast support to each other.

The thousands amazing features available through the AIR CLINIC projects makes the community realize that ended we can make this world a better place. Apparently not so much technology has been in the development of the Health sector in developing countries. Those with much more affordable income always choose to get medical treatment in India or reach to developed countries. AIR CLINIC simply made it easy for the poor. In other terms, the patient can simply benefit from medical services through virtual communication with the entire world. The aspect of this decentralized project will not only improve people’s lives but also save the humanity through its amazing features.

Lets live a life that we all can afford and make use of the available technology to make change. Let’s not be the people that blame the government for their decisions but build a world of which no one will blame the government for his/her wellbeing. If health is all that we have, then AIRCLINIC is all that we need. If only few people can share their ideas to lighten the world, why not embrace it and take it to the sky?


Kindly follow these links to know more about AIR CLINIC but also earn some aircoin token

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