James Webb's Infrared “Eyes”
These are images provided by James Webb, they published it on January 29 and these images offer us 19 galaxies in near and mid-infrared showing us details never seen before, the observations or especially highlight the structures that are created from dust and gas, usually from In a galaxy we see the stars, but not the dust structures and of course the gas clouds.
The James Webb is a tool that provides us with a different vision of the Cosmos and every time we have a tool that offers us a different vision of the world we discover new things, that is what happened to Galileo Galilei when he created the telescope and began to discover moons on Jupiter and new stars, happened when the microscope was discovered and we discovered the universe of bacteria and viruses and that allowed us to understand the origin of diseases much better.
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! The truth will set us free and science is the one that is closest to the truth!