Don’t let your pain define you

This life is temporary, so we can't be perpetually attached to these short bits in time, and particularly not to the days that covered us, to the brokenness that briefly overloaded our hearts.

Agony is a piece of being human. Like breathing, such as supposing we will confront it unavoidably, and as much as we attempt to develop ourselves, keep our chests beating solid and our heads held high, we will disintegrate every now and then. We will lose our start. We will meander erratically as the days progressed, attempting to discover reason, and energy, and persistence.

Be that as it may, the torment that we experience won't keep going forever. Despite the fact that it may cause tumult in our souls, it won't make a changeless home.

The catastrophe, the depression, the sharpness, the weariness—those things are impermanent, notwithstanding when it feels like they are all we know. One day we will relentless our breathing, discover our balance and venture forward once more. One day the largeness will lift and we'll gaze toward the sky with a restored feeling of self. One day we won't consider what we never again have first, however be filled and energized by all that we have, all that is inside us.

One day that agony will be a minor memory—never a definition.


When we experience attempting times, now and then we wear our torment on our countenances, in our bodies, in the manner in which we convey ourselves. We turn out to be so encompassed, so made up for lost time in the vacancy that we let it devour us. We overlook our identity.

Now and again we enable our torment to be the principal thing individuals see when they take a gander at us; we end up claimed by it, rather than our actual character.

However, we should recall reality about torment—it isn't our identity. We are not the occasions we've fallen, the disappointments, the intense days. We are interminably more.

We are chuckling and jokes, grasps and associations, family and kinship and snapshots of festivity. We are human—blemished, yet at the same time equipped for unprecedented things. We are all the little snapshots of our lives consented together, all the ways we've developed, and formed, and changed ourselves and our reality.

We are not simply the occasions we've lost our direction, not simply bodies erratically meandering around here on this planet. We are not acts of futility, and our esteem isn't dictated by the heaviness of what we've experienced.

Our identity as individuals isn't included the negative bits of our lives, yet the positive. By the ways we've remained back up subsequent to being pushed down, ascended in the wake of falling. By the way we've proceeded, and never surrendered.

Torment is a segment of our humanness, once in a while even important to show us, to assemble us, to enable us to end up our actual selves. In any case, it isn't the deciding element of our value, not the one thing that we convey or name ourselves with.

We will lose our direction, lose friends and family, lose our quality and start occasionally, however we'll never completely lose ourselves. We might be broken, however never devastated. We may change, yet never wind up unrecognizable. We may encounter harsh occasions, yet never typify those minutes.

We may confront torment, yet it will never characterize us.

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