Benefits Of Being Yourself And Things I Learnt From Not Being Myself

I haven’t always been true to myself. Growing up, I used to accept everything I’m told and hold on my feelings. Through the years, I learnt a lot about how important it is to be myself. I put together some of the things I learnt and that helped me. Maybe they can help you too.

Be more confident

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Accepting who you are is the first step to being more confident. When you dress your own personality, you stop being afraid of showing it to the world. I’m not saying you need to be perfect – no one is. Confidence lies in accepting and learning from both your strengths and weaknesses. Being confident attracts people and good energy.

Be unique

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Maybe this is a bit cliché but each person is different and special in their own way. Pretending to be someone else is just getting you away from your own uniqueness.

It doesn’t matter how many labels the world wants to put into you - if you’re yourself, you’re an unique human being. Your opinions matter. Having different opinions and ways of doing things make the world a more diverse and interesting place.

Attract people that actually like you

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If you’re pretending to be someone else to your friends, partner, family and people in general, you’re not being authentic to them. You may be able to keep the “mask” for some time, but when you get back to yourself, in any situation, wouldn’t it feel like you’re not being honest?

When you’re yourself, people that like you actually appreciate your true self. Even if they don’t agree with everything you do, respecting you is the most important.

Be happier

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You can’t always please everyone. Don’t constantly look for approval from everybody else. When you get obsessed about what other people think, you get anxious, overthink situations and put yourself down.

When you let go of that, you allow yourself to make mistakes and just be happy in general. Don’t be so harsh on yourself. Accept it’s ok to have bad days. Do things that make you happy.

I’m not saying you can to be rude or don’t respect others. Respecting yourself is as important as respecting everyone else.

Be a better person

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We’re not static creatures, we’re always changing and growing. One of the greatest things about accepting your mistakes and flaws, it’s learning from them.

If you’re unique, confident and happy, you understand what it takes to take charge of your life. You have a better chance of being successful and achieving your goals.

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