A Glimpse on Microsoft Research Cambridge 参加了在微软研究院(剑桥)的研讨会

 昨天去了剑桥火车站边上的微软研究院 (Microsoft Research Cambridge) 参加一个工业界的无线技术研讨会

 I recently attended a seminar in Microsoft Research (Cambridge, UK) and was impressed by its office. 

 The Microsoft Research Cambridge Building

微软研究院(剑桥)就在剑桥火车站边上, 地址是 21 Station Road. 

 The Microsoft Research Cambridge Office Building is next to Cambridge Station (21 Station Road), therefore it is very convenient if you take a train from London. 

 The Microsoft Research Cambridge Building is at 21 Station Road, Cambridge, Next to Railway Station

微软研究院(剑桥)很敞亮, 特别是进门的接待处. 

 Nice, clean, and Spacious. 

 Long Lobby at Microsoft Research

墙上有很多海报, 特别振奋鼓舞, 比如 “Pushing the boundaries of Programming 把编程推向极致.”. 

 I do like the posters on the glass, you can read the Microsoft slogans everywhere e.g. “Pushing the boundaries of Programming”. 

 The Poster says “Pushing the Boundaries of Programming”

 A view of the Conference room, oh, that is why I was there. 


 Conference Room

墙上很多显示器: “Microsoft Research”, “Welcome to Microsoft”. 

 Many Monitors hang on the wall, showing “Microsoft Research” or “Welcome to Microsoft”. 


进门处一瞥, 客人可以看杂志. 

 A glimpse of the reception hall – guests waiting area. 

 Reception Hall


Inspiring posts from Microsoft Research. 

 Posters on the Glass

Visual F#? 是不是(微软)现在是个编程语言都是可视化的? 

 Visual F#? Almost every programming language is Visual now? 


Microsoft Research created the functional programming technology that allows developers to program succinctly and expressively against rich spaces of data.
Microsoft Research创建了功能编程技术, 允许开发人员简洁而富有表现力地编写丰富的数据空间.

研讨会和很多会议一样, 中间都会有咖啡茶甜点时间, 这是个交换名片扩大社交的好机会, 能见到很多工业界上的大牛. 

Social Networking via the Coffee Breaks. Good chance to meet and talk to the Giants in industry.

 研讨会都会有休息 是交换名片的好机会

虽然没有机会参观微软员工办公环境, 但是大概能透过玻璃窗看到员工的办公桌, 微软研究院这楼里据说还有各种健身餐厅等设备, 而且微软还给员工免费停车, 真是个不错的公司.一到这种高大上的地方一下子也变得特别有能量了, 真希望自己和孩子有一天能在这里工作. 

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Thanks !!  谢谢!

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