Dropping off Supplies in Hard Hit Areas

All around our city, there are command posts that have been set up to receive donations. It's also a place you can go if you are able to volunteer to drive supplies to hard hit areas. Last week, my husband and I took an SUV full of mostly children supplies, clothes, diapers, water, shoes, toys, food, etc.

We went in a caravan with 7 cars. The place we went to normally took 10 - 15 minutes but took almost 3 hours because of the flooded highways and streets.

Filling Up Our Vehicles with Supplies

Short Video of Our Drive and the Mothers and Children We Served (51 seconds)


  • Fill up your gas before the hurricane. Finding gas after the storm was difficult. There were times I had to put premium gas into my regular tank.
  • Be ready for gridlock traffic. Set aside more time for serving than you expect.
  • There are always opportunities to serve. Just go where you see people congregating and they will put you to work.
  • Don't let the immense need bring you down. Just know that your efforts will make a difference to at least one person.

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Much luv,


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