Don't Let Risk Dictate Your Success in Life!

Everything we do and decide to pursue in life carries a level of risk. There is never an option that has 0 risks whatsoever. Being completely risk-averse will lead you to inaction which will lead you nowhere in life.

I started listening to Tim Ferriss's podcast when I was around 16 years old (I'm 20 today) and I've been infatuated with the way he lives his life and pursues his passions.

He is obsessive and he is a little quirky at times - he definitely does a fantastic job of questioning the norm and doing things that normal people find impossible - like winning a campionship title in tango dancing after a short time of practice or being the first American to win some sort of competitive martial arts tournament after only a short time practicing as well.

He has a lot of great advice and he often shares a lot of wisdom from his readings as well, he shared this quote just a few days ago:


I love this quote for a lot of reasons. At any time in my life, I've been afraid to take certain risks. I can look back on my life and find a lot of things that I wish I did, but didn't have the courage to face the risk.

I was definitely a risk-averse kid growing up. I had a hard time chasing the things I want to achieve and that was mainly because of my shyness and inability to accept risk and make a proper course of action.

There are certain risks that I eventually learned to take - namely in the world of investing in the stock market and more recently in cryptocurrencies.

There's always been a side of me that's been completely risk-averse though. This side of me that has trouble taking action on many of the things that I want to do. It's vulnerability. I have trouble being vulnerable and accepting the downsides in certain situations.

My lack of desire to be a little vulnerable has kept me from doing a lot of the things that I've so badly wanted to do in my life. The good news for me is that I'm still young. I'm a child. I'm still learning. That's what Gary Vaynerchuk taught me.

He's taught me through countless pieces of content that being young and making mistakes is a huge part in your journey to success. Achieving the things that you want in life requires that you be a little vulnerable and accept some risks. Social risks and otherwise.

I've been working ridiculous hours every day for the past several months. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the grind. I enjoy the process of working my way to the top. I've always enjoyed working long hours.

But recently, I've been wondering what the point is. How many 0's are really needed in a bank account? How much is enough to enjoy life?

So that's why I've decided to accept a new kind of risk. A social risk that I couldn't even fathom taking just a few months ago. Hell, even a few weeks ago. This is something that I've wanted to do for a long time, but never had the courage to do until now.

I'm going to leave you with that little cliffhanger, but expect to find out what I'm talking about tomorrow. It's big news (at least for me it is). My entire life is going to change. Everything that I do will change.

I've never been more excited to do anything in my entire life. The stars have aligned for me to change my life and live a better way and I'm so happy to be able to share that journey on Steem.

You'll see what I'm talking about tomorrow. For now, I hope that you all feel a little more inspired to take a little risk in life. Evaluate what you want to do and if it requires that you stretch a little bit out of your comfort zone, then make a plan of attack and get after it.

Thanks for reading and I can't wait to talk more about all of this tomorrow, see you then!

p.s. the last 3 words are a hint 😉
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